Graduate Registered Student Organizations (RSOs)

Join an Existing RSO

Many graduate programs have existing RSOs, which are listed at the bottom of this page. Each RSO determines their own criteria for membership, but all programs are accessible via LakerLink.

  • Sign in to LakerLink
  • Use the search bar to find your graduate program
  • Review membership criteria
  • Click "JOIN" and wait for approval


If you are unable to find your program or have any questions, please contact your program director for more information on how to join or create a new RSO. Basic information about establishing a new RSO can be found below.

RSO Benefits

  • Advocate for your initiatives

  • Create change at Grand Valley

  • Network with colleagues

  • Develop your professional skill set

  • Increase access to job opportunities

  • Give back to the community through service projects

  • Build your resume

  • Be an active member of the graduate student community

  • Create lasting connections

  • Practice leadership skills

Establish a New RSO

Establishing an RSO for your graduate program is easier than you think! 

  1. Get others involved!
    • At least 4 graduate students
      • 4 graduate student officers* are required, including President and Finance Officer
    • A faculty/staff advisor
  2. Create a constitution 
    • Templates are available
  3. To be recognized and eligible for funding, all of the required organizational information must to be submitted via LakerLink
    • To minimize delaying of the approval process, the group's advisor should contact Valerie Guzman for additional information regarding their role
  4. Once all of the required information is uploaded in LakerLink, GVSU's Student Organization Review Board (SORB) will review the status for approval at their next scheduled monthly meeting
    • Unfortunately, the GSA Funding Board is unable to consider any funding requests prior to SORB's approval since these requests must be approved through LakerLink

More details can be found here. For additional information on how to establish a new graduate RSO, please visit the Student Organization Support page on LakerLink.

*Graduate RSOs differ slightly from undergraduate RSOs and do not need a Risk Management Officer

Current Registered Graduate Student Organizations*

Clinical Dietetics Student Association

Doctorate of Physical Therapy Organization


Graduate Communication Association

Graduate Organization of Applied Linguistics

Graduate Public Health Society

Graduate Student Association

Healthcare Professionals Graduate Student Alliance

Hybrid Student Occupational Therapy Association

International City / County Management Association Graduate Student Chapter

Kirkhof College of Nursing Graduate Student Organization

Kirkhof College of Nursing Student Chapter of the Michigan Council of Nurse Practitioners

M.A. in English (Literature) Program

Master of Social Work Student Organization

Medical Dosimetry Student Organization

National Alliance on Mental Illness on Campus, Graduate Chapter

Nonprofit Professionals Graduate Student Organization

Physician Assistant Studies Student Ultrasound Interest Group

Pi Theta Epsilon - Occupational Therapy Honor Society

Professional Association of Graduate Engineering Students

Professional Association of Graduate Scientists

Richard Paul Clodfelter Student Society

School Counselor Graduate Student Organization

Student Affairs Graduate Association

Student Affiliates in School Psychology

Student Occupational Therapy Association

(list updated 9/22/21)

*Should your program's GSO not be listed or if you are unable to find the GSO page on LakerLink, please contact the GSA Administration Officer at [email protected]

Flow chart showing the GSA Funding Flow from the Graduate Student Association, to the Graduate Funding Board, then to the Graduate RSOs.

Page last modified February 6, 2025