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Annual Multicultural Seminar

Date and Time

Friday, November 1, 2019 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM


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Of Walls and Wars: Dialogues to Bridge Differences

About the 2019 Seminar:

Despite the array of heartwarming slogans and clichés regarding the value of diversity, having meaningful conversations remains a volatile issue that often creates discomfort and polarization. Rigid and self-righteous diversity-related “talk” often makes it difficult to engage in meaningful and transformative interactions across the gulf of cultural differences. Our undying, often romanticized, commitment to inclusion and connections across cultural groups, at times, doesn’t appear to be enough to prevent vast misunderstandings, and seemingly irreconcilable stand-offs.

This presentation will address how walls (i.e., polarization and cutoffs based on differences) contribute to wars (i.e., conflict, domination, and thirst for punishment) between and among us. A model will be presented for how we can explore new dialogues that will move toward bridging differences that have divided us historically. Implications for addressing difficult diversity related issues in the workplace will be discussed. For those committed to the centrality of relationships, we must have the "will" and "skill" to facilitate these difficult dialogues.

About the Speaker:

Kenneth V. Hardy, Ph.D. is a Professor at Drexel University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and is the Director of the Eikenberg Institute for Relationships in New York City.  He is an internationally recognized clinician, author, educator, and consultant. He is a frequent workshop presenter, trainer, and consultant on the topics of cultural and racial diversity, trauma, and oppression. He has published prolifically and is the author of numerous articles and book chapters. Dr. Hardy has received considerable acclaim for the contributions that his publications and videotapes have made toward challenging our field to think critically about issues of diversity, trauma and oppression. He has been a frequent contributor to the popular media and has been featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Dateline NBC, and 20/20, and the Discovery Health Channel. 


Please register by October 25, 2019

$50 GVSU Faculty/Staff and GVSU graduate students

$25 for currently enrolled undergraduate GVSU students

$99 for Community members

Social Work CEUS

This program is approved by the Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative. An additional administrative charge of $10.00 for Social Work CEUs will be collected at seminar check-in. If you register for Social Work CEUs, please remember to bring your social work license number.


If you have questions or require any accommodations to participate in this seminar, please contact Latrece McDaniel at [email protected]

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Page last modified October 14, 2019