New Academic Unit Proposal

Proposal Information



Date Started: [auto filled]



New Academic Unit

Part 1. General

  1. Title of Proposed Academic Unit:
  2. Type of Academic Unit within Academic Affairs:
  3. Will the new academic unit administer degrees/programs?
             If yes, what level/s? (check all that apply)
  4. Where will this new academic unit be housed? (max. 200 words)
  5. Description of proposed new academic unit: (max. 200 words)
  6. Vision for the new academic unit: (max. 200 words)
  7. Mission of the new academic unit: (max. 200 words)
  8. Values supporting the new academic unit: (max. 200 words)
  9. Describe the proposed new academic unit's relationship to existing units: (max. 200 words)
  10. How does this new academic unit align with the Strategic Goals of the college/s, and university? (max. 200 words)
  11. Describe the new academic unit functions: (max . 200 words)

Part II. Desirability

  1. Describe the need for this new academic unit at Grand Valley State University. (max. 200 words)
  2. Describe the perceived interest in this unit being developed at GVSU and how this was determined. (max 200 words)
  3. Describe any peer models that were a basis for this proposal.
  4. If this unit (the unit itself, not a program) is to be accredited, what is the accrediting agency, and what is the role of this agency in shaping new unit functions?
  5. If this new unit leads to licensure or certification what is the agency?
  6. If there is an expectation to achieve accreditation, licensure, and or certifications for this program, what are the associated costs? Explain briefly.

Desired target semester and year for implementation of the new unit:  

Part III. Resource Needs

Complete the following matrices by entering the number and cost of resources for each year. Use average salaries and benefits for Faculty, APs and PSSs to determine costs.


Resource Needs - Employee Costs

Employee Costs

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4 

Year 5

TT Faculty











Program Coordinator











Faculty Assigned Time











Affiliate Faculty











Visiting Faculty











Adjunct Faculty











PSS Staff











AP Staff











Student Workers











Graduate Assistants











Total New Unit Costs






New Unit Costs

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5



















Library Resources






























Total New Unit Costs






Page last modified June 9, 2017