Pew FTLC - Scholarship of Teaching and Learning


The scholarship of teaching and learning involves systematic study of teaching and/or learning, with the results made available for public review and use beyond the local setting. Efforts in the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) go beyond the expectations of scholarly teaching wherein faculty engage in critical reflection, examination of evidence, literature consultation, and focused on maximizing learning through effective teaching.

Bronze Level Criteria 

To earn a bronze badge, attend the August 22, 2017 Pre-Conference Workshop, “Using Scholarship of Teaching and Learning to Optimize Teaching and Foster Student Learning,” facilitated by Dr. Regan Gurung and then submit a plan of action for work on your own scholarship of teaching and learning project as well as a reflection on the workshop.

Silver Level Criteria 

To earn a silver badge, meet with a Pew FTLC consultant to identify opportunities to forward a SoTL project and become acquainted with the campus resources available to complete your project. In addition, participate in additional professional development related to SoTL - either an on- or off-campus workshop, intensive institute, or conference and submit a written reflection incorporating what was learned through this opportunity into your SoTL project plan.

Gold Level Criteria 

To earn a gold badge, complete the silver badge and then provide evidence of public dissemination of a SoTL project via a peer-reviewed conference presentation or publication. No deadline.


Christine Rener


SoTL Badge Image

Issued in 2017

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Page last modified April 23, 2019