WEATHER ALERT: GVSU will move to REMOTE STATUS for Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025. Classes shift to remote.
eLearning - Step 5: Tech Check
Technology plays an important role for students in their course, regardless of method of delivery, from Blackboard to tech tools. How do we design courses to ensure that the student has a smooth technology experience and that they can access what’s needed to be successful in our courses? In this final session, we will talk through some building blocks to include for students in your course, considerations in your course design, and strategies for instructor and student success using technology in instruction.
Course Alignment Map:
Fill in your Tech Check column for all relevant weeks.
Check the technology, links and availability in your course for all content items listed for the week for each row in your Course Alignment Map.
Indicate in the Tech Check column that each of the week’s items were carefully checked and working appropriately in the course for each week.
Run the Accessibility Report in your course and fix any issues for accessibility.
Complete The Student Experience Activity
- End of the semester following the semester in which the badge-worthy activity took place.
Kelley Senkowski and Stephanie Webber
Learning Objectives
Analyze a course site for technological enhancement opportunities
Recognize and address student barriers and accessibility within a course site
Fill in the Course Alignment Map for the Tech Check column.
Run the Accessibility Report, correct and update any links or text needed