ESSU Meeting Minutes & Active Memberships

ESSU Interview Workshop Featuring Auto Owners Insurance 1/20/2016

January 20, 2016

ESSU Meeting Minutes for Interview Workshop Featuring Auto Owners Insurance


 “You’ve landed an interview! Now what?”

This meeting took place on January 20, 2016 in 3001 SCB. It began at 6:00 p.m. ESSU was happy to host Erin McLaughlin who is an IT recruiter for Auto-Owners Insurance. Auto-Owners Insurance is a Lansing-based company. Auto-Owners is interested in hiring from all majors especially like IT and MIS disciplines and Erin wanted to share her own interview tips on how to land a job. Erin divided the presentation in four sections on how to have a successful interview: the pre-game, prep, during, and follow-up stage.

In the pre-game for an interview, Erin talked about the importance of how a polished, easy-to-follow resume can go far. However, she said it isn’t just limited to the resume for this stage. Other components that could lead to an interview involve refining one’s elevator speech, being honest, and attending professional development things like career fair, etiquette events, and info-sessions.  Erin went over how to prep for an interview which consists of social media, dress, grooming, and what to bring. Erin mentioned how she and other recruiters use social media as another way to tell how a candidate makes good judgments. Erin also encourages us to do our research before like how an interview will be conducted (one on one, pairs, or panel style), how many rounds could be expected, and how to be ready for pre-screen phone calls.

We learned what makes an impressive candidate while during the interview. In addition to a smile and firm handshake, a candidate must show genuine enthusiasm, interest, and confidence according to Erin. It is helpful to come in to an interview with a few thoughtful questions to ask and be prepared to talk about three to five things that are outside your resume.

Erin said that email is acceptable in today’s world for a follow-up “thank you” message but she noted how better a handwritten message is. The follow-up part deals with asking about the next steps and method of contact if it is okay to be notified of a decision regardless.

This presentation from Erin of Auto-Owners Insurance was at a perfect time of the year because many students are currently interviewing for positions and hopefully learned an extra tip or two. In addition, tonight was practice for next month’s career fair which Auto-Owners Insurance will be at. The meeting ended at 7:10 p.m.

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Page last modified January 20, 2016