Carrie Buist
Associate Professor & Graduate Program Director
School of Criminology, Criminal Justice, and Legal Studies
B.S., M.A., Eastern Michigan University
Ph.D., Western Michigan University
Office: 277-C DeVos
Phone: (616) 331-7141
E-mail: [email protected]
Queer Criminology; Feminist Criminology; Corrections; Critical Criminology; Qualitative Methods
Dr. Carrie L. Buist received her B.S. and M.S. degrees from Eastern Michigan University in Criminology and Criminal Justice and her Ph.D. from Western Michigan University in Sociology with concentrations in Criminology and Gender and Feminist Studies. Dr. Buist’s current work focuses on Queer Criminology, having published the book, “Queer Criminology” in late 2015. In addition to her book (co-authored with Dr. Emily Lenning), Dr. Buist has articles published in Critical Criminology: An International Journal, the Journal of Culture, Health & Sexuality, and the Journal of Crime and Justice. Dr. Buist also has several published book chapters on topics ranging from media and pop culture’s influence on subjects from white collar crime to the social construction of gender, as well as LGTBQ experiences within the criminal legal system such as transgender issues in prison, and transgender victims and offenders.
Dr. Buist was recognized by the American Society of Criminology’s Division on Women Crime with their New Scholar of the Year Award in 2015.
Research Interests
Dr. Buist’s areas of research interest are the experiences of LGBTQ folks in the criminal legal system as victims, offenders, and practitioners/professionals Additionally, Dr. Buist’s interests include gender and feminism, feminist criminology, pop culture, critical criminology, corrections, and qualitative methods.
- Buist, Carrie L. and Emily Lenning. 2015 (2016). Queer Criminology. New York: Routledge.
- Buist, Carrie L. and Codie Stone. 2014. “Transgender Victims and Offenders: Failures of the United States Criminal Justice System and the Need for Queer Criminology.” Critical Criminology: An International Journal. Special issue on Queer/ing Criminology.
- Carlson, Susan M., Elizabeth A. Bradshaw, and Carrie L. Buist. 2013. Bringing “the Poor” Back In: Regulation and Control of Surplus Populations in Finland and the Netherlands. Journal of Crime and Justice.
- Lenning, Emily and Carrie L. Buist. 2012. Social, Psychological, and Economic Challenges Faced by Transgender Individuals and Their Significant Others: Gaining Insight Through Personal Narratives. Journal of Culture, Health, and Sexuality.
- Buist, Carrie L. and Emily Lenning. Forthcoming (2017). “Gender Issues in Jails and Prisons.” In Issues in Corrections edited by John P. Walsh and Carly M. Hilinski-Rosick. Lexington Press
- Buist Carrie L., Emily Lenning, and Matthew Ball. Forthcoming (2017). “Queer Criminology.” In The Routledge Handbook of Critical Criminology edited by Walter DeKeseredy and Molly Dragiewicz.
- Buist, Carrie L. and Paul Leighton. 2015. “Corporate Criminals Constructing White Collar Crime: USA Network’s White Collar and the Trivialization of Elite Deviance.” In Routledge International Handbook and the Crimes of the Powerful edited by Gregg Barak.
- Buist, Carrie L. and Jean-Anne Sutherland. 2015. “Masculinities and Feminist Theory.” In Feminist Theory and Pop Culture edited by Adrienne Trier-Bieniek. Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Sense Publishers
- Buist, Carrie and Andrew Verheek. 2009. “Sexuality and Identity: Discrimination Faced by Members of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Community.” In Issues in Social Justice edited by Frank Tridico, Joseph M. Pellerito, Jr., and Jacob Armstrong. Sault Ste. Marie, ON: Landon Elsemere Press
Professional Conference Presentations
- 2016 (forthcoming) “Queer Criminology: International Reflections on the Field and Its Futures (Co-presented with Emily Lenning) “Methodological Issues in Queer Community Research”: Discussant “Teaching Queer Criminology”: Roundtable “Students-Meet-Scholars: Queer Criminology”: Discussant American Society of Criminology Annual Conference: New Orleans, LA
- 2015 “Peer Support for LGBTQ Police Officers in the U.S.” American Society of Criminology Annual Conference: Washington, DC
- 2014 “Locked Up and Left Out: Transgender Inmates’ Battle for Adequate Health Care in Prison.” (Co-presented with Regina M. Cline, MA) “Anticipating the Next 30 Years: Feminist Criminology for the Future.” Roundtable. American Society of Criminology Annual Conference: San Francisco, CA
- 2014 “Teaching Sociology and Criminology Using Feature Films about White Collar Crime.” (co-presented with Michael O. Maume). “Some of Us Have Different Bad Choices to Make”: Analyzing the Intersections in “Orange is the New Black.” (co-presented with Adrienne Trier-Bieniek) Southern Sociological Society Annual Conference: Charlotte, NC 2013 “Queer Criminology: What it is and Why it Matters.” Roundtable Organizer American Society of Criminology Annual Conference: Atlanta, GA.
- 2013 “Police: Strategies and Issues.” Chair. North Carolina Criminal Justice Association Annual Conference: Raleigh, NC
- 2012 “A Target of Friendly Fire: The Lived Experiences of Lesbian Police Officers.” American Society of Criminology Annual Conference: Chicago, IL.
- 2011 “You Won’t Forget Me:” Personal Narratives of Women in Policing.” “Ongoing research on rape and sexual assault.” Roundtable participant American Society of Criminology Annual Conference: Washington, D.C.
- 2010 “Contributing Factors to an Increased Commitment Rate for Female Felony Offenders.” (co-presented with Andrew Verheek). “The Trials, Tribulations…and Rewards of doing Comparative Historical Research in Criminology.” Roundtable participant American Society of Criminology Annual Conference: San Francisco, CA. “Radical Feminism and Lesbian Battering: Dismantling the Lesbian, Feminist Utopia.” Midwest Sociological Society Annual Conference: Chicago, IL.
- 2009 “Political Economy of Punishment:” Surplus Populations Regimes in the Netherlands, 1948 – 2006.” American Society of Criminology Annual Conference: Philadelphia, PA. “Boi Lesbian Identity: Exclusion in Everyday Society.” “Gender and Policing” Roundtable organizer. Midwest Sociological Society Annual Conference: De Moines, IA.
- 2008 “The State of Feminist Criminology.” Roundtable participant American Society of Criminology Annual Conference: St. Louis, MO. “Bois Will be Girls: Social and Sexual Non-Conformity: An Exploration of Lesbian Subculture and Feminist Theory.” Midwest Sociological Society Annual Conference: St. Louis, MO.
- 2006 “Women in Policing: The Impact of Gender Stereotypes as Perpetuated in Society and the Media.” American Society of Criminology Annual Conference: Los Angeles, CA.
Invited Talks
- 2016 Mississippi State University, Alpha Kappa Delta Sociology Department Awards Banquet. Topic: Queer Criminology
Courses Taught
- Corrections and Correctional Process (undergraduate)
- Criminal Justice Process (undergraduate)
- Criminology (graduate and undergraduate)
- Introduction to Criminal Justice (undergraduate)
- Justice & Society (undergraduate)
- LGBTQ Issues in the Criminal Justice System (undergraduate)
- Law & Society (undergraduate)
- Media, Crime, and Justice (undergraduate)
- Principles of Sociology (undergraduate)
- Qualitative Methods (undergraduate)
- Race, Class, Gender, and Crime (graduate)
- Racial and Cultural Minorities (undergraduate)
- Senior Capstone (undergraduate)
- Women, Crime, and Justice (undergraduate)