Felix Ngassa

Assistant Vice President, Academic Affairs
Professor of Chemistry
Telephone: (616) 331-3803
Office: 3090 James H. Zumberge Hall (JHZ)
E-Mail: [email protected]
- M.B.A., Seidman College of Business, Grand Valley State University
- Ph.D., Organic & Physical Chemistry, University of North Dakota
- B.S., Chemistry, University of Yaounde I
Teaching Interests
- Organic Chemistry
- Advanced Organic Chemistry
- Spectroscopic Identification of Organic Compounds
- General Chemistry
- General, Organic and Biological Chemistry
Research Interests
- New Avenues to Nucleoside Modification by Transition-Metal Catalysis
- Synthesis of Carcinogen-Nucleoside Adducts
- Synthetic and Computational Studies on Heterogeneous Oligomers
- Modeling the Interaction of Natural Oncogenes with Synthetic Peptides.
- More information on research
Academic/Professional Activities
- American Chemical Society (ACS)
- ACS Division of Organic Chemistry
- ACS Division of Physical Chemistry
- ACS Division of Chemical Education
- Biophysical Society
- Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society
- American Association for the Advancement of Sciences
- Pi Lambda Theta
- Council of Undergraduate Research
- 2021 Glenn A. Niemeyer Award Recipient
- 2020 Nominated by the Chemistry Department for the Niemeyer Award
- 2019 Nominated by the Chemistry Department for the Niemeyer Award
- 2018 Nominated by the Chemistry Department for the Niemeyer Award
- 2018 CSCE Faculty Scholarly Dissemination Grant-in-Aid
- 2017 MRI: Acquisition of a 400 MHz Spectrometer for Research and Training, 2017-2020
- 2016 CLAS Annual Faculty Service Award
- 2014 Pew Scholar Teacher Grant
- 2014 FTLC Faculty Conference Travel Grant
- 2014 CSCE Faculty Scholarly Dissemination Grant-in-Aid
- 2013 CSCE Faculty Scholarly Dissemination Grant-in-Aid
- 2012 Distinguished Undergraduate Mentoring Award
- 2011 Outstanding Educator Award GVSU Alumni Association
- 2010 Nominated for the Distinguished Undergraduate Mentoring Award
- 2010 NSF-RET Fellow, Department of Chemical Engineering, Michigan State University
- 2009 Pew Scholar Teacher Grant with Nathan Barrows and Karen Matchett
- 2009 GVSU InterFraternity Council Professor of the Month, March 2009
- 2009 Nominated for the Pew Teaching Excellence Award by CLAS
- 2008 Panhellenic Association Excellence in Teaching Award
- 2008 Nominated for the Pew Teaching Excellence Award
- 2008 Nominated as an Outstanding GVSU Faculty Member, Faculty Recognition Banquet
- 2008 Nominated by Students and Chosen by the EAC to Speak at the “Last Lecture Series”
- 2008 Nominated as “Someone Who Makes a Difference at GVSU” Office of Residence Life
- 2008 GVSU Michigan Science Olympiad Regional Tournament Award
- 2008 Summer Scholars Program S3 Award Grand Valley State University
- 2008 Pew FTLC Teaching Development Travel Grant
- 2008 Pew FTLC Student Enrichment Travel Grant
- 2008 Scholarly Travel Grant-in-Aid, Faculty Research and Development
- 2008 Student Scholarly Travel Grant-in-Aid, Faculty Research and Development
- 2008 Inducted Into Beta Gamma Sigma, Academic Honor Society for Top Business Students
- 2007 ESP (Educational Support Program) Professor of the Year, GVSU
- 2007 Summer Scholars Program S3 Award Grand Valley State University
- 2007 Presidential Teaching Initiative Grant with Mary Karpen and Julie Henderleiter
- 2007 Scholarly Travel Grant-in-Aid, Faculty Research and Development
- 2005 Grant-in-Aid for Research Grand Valley State University
- 2005 Scholarly Travel Grant-in-Aid, Faculty Research and Development
- 2005 Pew FTLC Teaching Development Travel Grant
- 2004 Summer Scholars Program S3 Award Grand Valley State University
- 2002 WHO’S WHO among Students in American Universities and Colleges
- 2002 Selected to Pi Lambda Theta
- 2002 Dr. Roland G. Severson Graduate Teaching Award, Department of Chemistry, University of North Dakota (UND)
- 2002 NSF ND-EPSCoR Fellowship to perform research at the University of Wisconsin, Madison
- 2001 Doctoral dissertation fellowship, NSF ND-EPSCoR
- 2001 Dr. Roland G. Severson Graduate research award for excellence, UND
- 2001 Dr. Ernest and Jennie Coon Scholarship, University of North Dakota Foundation
- 2000 Grant-in-Aid for Research, Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society
- 2000 Selected and accepted membership of Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society