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2013-2014 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog

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Biology Minor

Requirements for a Minor in Biology

The biology minor consists of a minimum of 24 credits in Biology. CHM 109 or CHM 115 is a required cognate in addition to the 24 credits. Following standard university policy, students must ensure that they complete 30 unduplicated credits in their major and 20 unduplicated credits in the minor to fulfill the requirements for both. Requirements of the biology minor are:

The following may not be used in minor: BIO 104, 105, 107, 109, 205, and any other Biology course whose course description prevents it from being used in the minor.

Only one of the following courses may be counted in the biology minor: BIO 309, 311, 329 or 349.

Students may count up to 8 credits from the following BMS-designated courses toward the required 24 credits in biology.

Since specific BMS course requirements vary among majors, students should seek the advice of their major advisors on which of these BMS courses to take and the appropriate sequence in which to take them. Students should contact the Biology Department if they have questions on how the specified BMS courses may be applied to the biology minor.

Teacher Certification Requirements

Students selecting the biology minor for teacher certification are strongly advised to consult either the CLAS Academic Advising Center or the Biology Department for guidance on which BIO courses to complete to satisfy the State Standards for Teaching Biology and to prepare for the Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC) in Biology. To assure both breadth and depth in the teaching minor, in addition to completing BIO 120 (General Biology I) and BIO 121 (General Biology II), students should complete BIO 215 (General Ecology), BIO 325 (Human Sexuality), either BIO 355 (Human Genetics) or BIO 375 (Genetics), one course in evolutionary biology (BIO 311 Biological Basis of Society, BIO 329 Evolution of Social Behavior, BIO 349 The Darwinian Revolution, or BIO 452 Human Evolution) and BMS 202 (Anatomy and Physiology).

Biology Program Description

Click here for the program description.

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