AHS Internships


The Allied Health Sciences program provides students desiring a field experience with the option to complete an internship. The internship is an elective and not required of all students unless specifically required in that emphasis. It is strongly recommended that students who do not intend on beginning graduate school immediately after earning their baccalaureate degree do an internship to gain valuable work place experience. Field internships may be performed in a variety of health-related organizations such as hospitals, clinics, extended care facilities, health maintenance organization (HMOs), insurance companies, research facilities, and government agencies.

Students are expected to identify and make initial contact with a health organization to find out if that organization would be accepting of an internship experience. Students are strongly encouraged to discuss fieldwork internship opportunities with their academic advisor in the year before they are in the field. GVSU's Career Center maintains a list of internship sites for students to use. They are located in 206 Student Services Building on the Allendale campus. Their phone number is (616) 331-3311.

GVSU Career Center website

Student internships are approved and coordinated by the Allied Health Sciences Internship Coordinator, and a qualified supervisor at the internship site.

Catalog Description

AHS 490: Health Care Internship:

A structured opportunity for students to apply classroom knowledge in a healthcare setting. Depending on the student's degree emphasis an internship may be repeated for 6 credits. Students in the Histotechnology emphasis are required to perform a total of 24 credits. Registration requires approval by Allied Health Sciences Internship Coordinator, a minimum of junior standing, 12 credits of Allied Health Sciences coursework, and a 2.5 major and overall GPA. Credits: 1-12.

Internship Objectives

Depending on the type and site of the internship, students will be able to:

1. Determine what area of health care they wish to work in.

2. Apply Allied Health Sciences classroom knowledge and skills to a healthcare setting.

3. Evaluate the use of various methodologies and recommend solutions appropriate to clinical or administrative settings.

4. Detect personal changes in competence, knowledge, attitude, motivation, and other areas as a result of the internship.

Internship Credits and Requirements

Offered in increments of 3, 6, or 12 credits.

The field internship requires a minimum of 150 hours of documented internship activities for 3 credits and 300 hours for six credits. The internship requires a weekly activities report, development of an internship portfolio, projects, and an evaluation by the student's site supervisor. Required activities are based on the type on internship being performed; i.e., clinical or administrative, location of activity, or needs of the supervising organization.

Internship Pre-Requirements

1. Listed below are the University requirements for internships.

  • The student must have at least a 2.5 GPA overall and in the major
  • The student must have a minimum of twelve credits
  • The student will spend up to 40 hours/week performing allied health-related activities for a period of up to 15 weeks. The student will receive:
    • 3 credits for 150 hours,
    • 6 credits for 300 hours and
    • 12 credits for 600 hours of internship.
  • Online application completed
  • The student must complete the Health Compliance training before beginning the internship.
  • The student must be under the direct full-time supervision of a qualified person.
  • Before the start of your internship, the internship sponsoring entity will:
    • Provide a copy of the internship job description
    • A signed Facility Agreement Form will be submitted to GVSU. The Health Compliance Office will complete the Facility Agreement process.

Health Compliance Requirements

The following are the health compliance requirements for GVSU student interns. Students will work with the Health Compliance Office to coordinate the completion of the below listed requirements.

  • Physical exam
  • Immunizations & serologic titers (Td, Tdap, MMR, Hep B, Varicella, Influenza, Meningococcal)
  • TB screening
  • CPR certification
  • Criminal background check
  • 10-Panel drug screen
  • Fingerprinting
  • Color blind testing (program specific)
  • OSHA, HIPPAA, FERPA, & TB and infection control training
  • Respiratory FIT testing (program specific)

Health compliance requirements are subject to change. More information can be found on the Health Compliance website, or by contacting the Health Compliance office at [email protected]

Application Process

To apply for an internship, students must fill out an internship application on the GVSU Career Services website. This must be completed a minimum of 8 weeks before the start of the internship. If it is a study abroad internship, students are required to work with Padnos International Center, before the start of the internship. Study abroad internships may necessitate additional requirements.

Any Allied Health Sciences student wishing to study abroad should view Padnos International Center's recommendations for AHS Students.

Visit GVSU Career Center website for a detailed description of the online process.

For additional information contact Jenny Baweja, AHS Program Director at [email protected]

Page last modified September 19, 2024