Upcoming Events

The Role of a Public University in a Democracy

Date and Time

Wednesday, December 14, 2016 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM


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This event is part of an ongoing series of Innovative Teaching Laboratories, highlighting faculty work that advances learning in new ways – both inside and outside of the classroom. Explore the context of teaching at GVSU as well as the inclusive teaching strategies for your particular classroom. Faculty, staff and students are invited to an afternoon of presentations, workshops, and discussions focused on art, civic, and social issues, challenging and broadening our inclusive teaching practices. Join us as you are able for session 1, session 2, and the faculty reception at Founders. Please register in Sprout.


Session 1

Civic Studio Lecture & Workshop 

1 – 2:30pm, Padnos Gallery, Calder Art Center

Paul Wittenbraker and collaborators

What is the public function of art, or of any knowledge? Civic Studio engages such questions by doing studio projects in public contexts. The artistic aim in this work is giving coherent experiential form to otherwise invisible and incomprehensible situations. Presenters will share an exhibition of images and artifacts from selected Civic Studio projects and engage attendees with methodologies and practices that are situated, contextual, emergent, and public.


Session 2

Inclusive Excellence – Panel Presentation

2:45 – 4pm, Room 1201, Calder Arts Center

Inclusive Teaching Practices in the Classroom

Dana Munk and Inclusive Excellence Teaching Institute/Knapsack Institute participants Suzanne Zack, Charles Ham, Szymon Machajewski and Rachel Peterson

Public Universities shoulder the responsibility of supporting students from a wide range of backgrounds, cultures, and abilities. Inclusive teaching in such diverse academic settings must include pedagogical strategies which support varied learning styles, but should also raise students awareness of social justice issues embedded in a democratic society. Faculty in this session will share simple strategies they have incorporated to make their classes more inclusive such as: laying the foundation for dynamic discussions, using film/video for engaging students in social justice issues, teaching about oppression using examples from local, national and international news that resonate with students from a variety of positions, the challenges and rewards of discussing sensitive subjects in the classroom, using learning games in a STEM course as a strategy to disseminate information and discuss difficult topics with students, and creating an intriguing and inclusive syllabus.


Faculty Reception to Follow

        4:30 - 7:30 pm, Centennial Room, Founders Brewery

235 Grandville Ave. SW, Grand Rapids, MI (open to all faculty)

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Page last modified December 9, 2016