
Get to Know Our Team!

Staff pose in front of the fountain

Bri standing in library

Bri Slager

Assistant Director of Student Organizations


[email protected]

Office Phone

(616) 331-2345


Bri completed her master’s degree in Higher Education – Adult Learners from Grand Valley State University in 2021 and completed her undergraduate degrees from Ferris State University in 2016 with a B.S. in Marketing and an A.A.S. in Graphic Design. In her previous role at Grand Valley State University, Bri was the Club Sports and Student Development Coordinator in Recreation & Wellness from 2016 until summer 2021. In her time at Ferris State, she was a student leader on campus and worked within the Recreation Department in multiple positions. She has a background in photography, horseback riding, public speaking, and coaching. Brianna spends her time away from campus with her corgi, Colby Cheese, at the horse barn or walking trails on the lakeshore.

StrengthsQuest Themes

Relator - Strategic - Achiever - Command - Activator

Gage standing outside

Phillip Brzezinski

2nd Year Graduate Assistant for Student Organizations and Civic Engagement

Gage standing outside

Elijah Fosu

1st Year Graduate Assistant for Student Organizations and Civic Engagement

Gage standing outside

Sydney Gandolfi

1st Year Graduate Assistant for Student Organizations and Civic Engagement

Gage standing outside

Gage Thrall

Finance Assistant 


[email protected]

Office Phone

(616) 331-2345


Gage is a fourth-year undergraduate student in the Seidman College of Business working to obtain a degree in Finance. He has played Hockey at Grand Valley State University for three years, with a year spent at Albion College playing Lacrosse. As the Finance Assistant, Gage is looking forward to helping students understand the funding resources available!  

Lily Headshot

Lily Camp

Staff Assistant


[email protected]

Gage standing outside

Ben Biermacher

Staff Assistant


[email protected] 

Page last modified October 11, 2023