Baas, Books, Back Pain: How to survive the last two weeks of school
Posted on April 15, 2019
Written by Nick Gbur
It’s upon us. You can feel a change in the air. Much like when a storm looms over the horizon or a natural disaster begins to brew, the animals are beginning to act strangely. They know what’s coming. Finals. Never fear. We here at the Student Life Weekly will tell you everything you need to know to avoid spontaneously combusting due to stress. Take a deep breath: we’re doing a deep-dive into Exam Cram.
For those who don’t know, Exam Cram takes place April 13 - 26. Some people would classify this as the last two weeks of school. During Exam Cram, the Mary Idema Pew Library becomes the place to be, a 24/7 safe haven for stressed-out students of all majors, minors, creeds, and teams (I’m team Jacob myself). A place where students can come together and caffeinate during extended hours at Argo tea. A place where they can take a break from the typing, note-taking, and slow, careful reading by coloring with their fellow overworked students. Enjoying mocktails and tea parties at Argo, is another great way to unwind. If the tension has begun to wreak havoc on your spine, you can even get a chair massage or check out a succulent. Not to mention everyone’s favorite part of the library: the silent spaces where the only noise is the voice in your head that pushes you, inch by inch, closer to madness, or I mean… uh, success!
If physical labor is your ideal coping mechanism, golly, do I have news for you. Recreation and Wellness is also in on Exam Cram! They offer free classes including, SPIN, Cardio Drum, G3, Box + Barre, Yin Yoga, Zumba, and so much more!
Maybe you love farm animals and are capable of contorting your body into horrifying positions, join your fellow flexible Lakers at Goat Yoga! That’s right. GOAT YOGA! You can try relaxing and challenging yoga while the goats just hang out with you! It’s a dream come true. Goat Yoga is sponsored by our own Campus Activities Board, otherwise known as CAB.
These activities and opportunities will help you make it through the last two weeks of school in one piece, hopefully, stranger things have happened…