Student Consulting Projects for 490 Internship Credit
Looking for an Internship Experience that will provide you with excellent experience, yet keep you safe during these challenging times? We have been working with employers and area leaders to develop student consulting experiences for students that will qualify as internship credit. Earn up to 3 credits of 490 credit, which equals 150 logged hours).
Here are the steps to follow:
- Send an email inquiry to Dr. Jaideep Motwani ([email protected]) with the subject line: 490 EXPERIENCE.
- Discuss with him the various options and projects available.
- Complete the Internship Packet and Learning Objectives, by going here, and complete all required paperwork for the experience.
- Send completed internship packet to Dr. Jaideep Motwani, which includes learning objectives ([email protected]), with the subject line: 490 APPLICATION.
- Once approved you will receive a permit to register for the appropriate 490 (internship) course.
- Enjoy your learning experience!