Timetable for Review Process

All applications for sabbatical leave must be submitted through the electronic system via the sabbatical website.  Throughout the review process, recommendations and accompanying justifications are submitted through the electronic system.  The Provost’s final decision and any subsequent changes are also recorded in the electronic system.

September 1: Sabbatical Leave Proposals are due

Applicants submit proposals to the sabbatical website no later than 11:59 p.m. on September 1.  As soon as possible after this date, units and/or Colleges will provide feedback to the proposal author.  This may be done via a unit meeting or a unit email discussion. After receiving the unit feedback, the applicant can revise the proposal.

September 23: Revised sabbatical leave proposals are due

If revisions are requested, the revised proposal must be resubmitted by the applicant to the sabbatical website. After reviewing the revised proposal, the Unit Head will call for a vote (which may be done electronically) on the proposal. The possible votes are: Recommend, Recommend with reservation, Do not recommend. All tenured and tenure-track faculty are eligible to vote.

September 30: Unit recommendations are due

The Unit Head submits recommendations for University Sabbatical Review Committee review.  The unit head will submit a summary of the unit feedback that includes:

  • Justification for the unit’s recommendation
  • A listing of the proposal’s strengths and weaknesses from a unit (discipline) perspective
  • The vote results
  • Verification that requested amendments were completed

No further revisions to proposals are permitted.

Third Monday of November: University Sabbatical Review Committee recommendations are due

University Sabbatical Review Committee submits recommendations for the college/library Dean review. The University Sabbatical Review Committee will classify the proposals in tiers (Recommend, Recommend with reservation, and Do not recommend) using the standard evaluation instrument based upon objectives and criteria.  The Committee Chair will submit a summary of the Committee’s feedback that includes:

  • Justification for the committee’s recommendation
  • The vote results

December 15: College/Library Dean recommendations are due

The college/library Dean submits recommendations to Provost. The college/library Dean will classify the proposals in tiers (Recommend, Recommend with reservation, and Do not recommend) using the standard evaluation instrument based upon objectives and criteria.  The Dean will submit a justification for their recommendation.

January 31: Provost decisions are due

The Provost informs the applicants of their final decisions and informs the President, Deans and University Sabbatical Review Committee. The Provost will inform the Board of Trustees of the titles and authors of approved proposals.

Page last modified October 5, 2023