Policy Details

Date of Last Update

Approved By
  • Board of Trustees

Responsible Office
Office of General Counsel


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Adjunct Executive, Administrative, and Professional Staff Appointments

BOT 4.5.1

Policy Statement

  1. Appointments. Appointments will be made for a limited and expressly stated term of a year or less. Appointments may be renewed for additional limited and expressly stated terms of a year or less.

All adjunct executive, administrative and professional staff shall be appointed in one of the following categories.

Adjunct Executive, Administrative and Professional staff are employed at the will of the University and have the right to terminate their employment at any time, with or without notice or cause. Likewise, the University may release Adjunct Executive, Administrative and Professional staff, with or without notice or cause, as it deems appropriate.

Category A - Full time or part-time for a full year.

Category B - Full time or part-time for a specific period of less than a full year.

Category C - Employment contract - appointment specified by contract.

All appointments shall be made in accordance with the provisions of this policy.