Policy Details

Date of Last Update

Approved By
  • President

Responsible Office
Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution


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Restorative Measures

STU 8.0

  1. Policy Statement
  2. Procedures

Policy Statement

When a student or UAO representative admits responsibility or is found responsible for violating the Anchor, restorative measures may be imposed. Prior corrective or disciplinary action for a previous offense  may be taken into account for determining the appropriate restorative measure. Restorative measures may be conditional or final, and may include one or more of the following: 

8.1 Formal Warning 

An official, written notice of violation. 

8.2 Educational Program/Meeting/Workshop 

A requirement to attend, present and/or participate in a program, meeting, or workshop related to the violation. It may also be a requirement to sponsor or assist with planning or presenting a program for others at the University. 

8.3 Restitution 

Compensation for damage or loss incurred by the University or another person. 

8.4 Community Service 

Requirement for a student to perform assigned task(s) through a designated office or department. The hours required must be documented and verified by a CRF.  

8.5 Disciplinary Probation 

An official notice that should further violations occur during a definite/indefinite period the student may face suspension or expulsion. Disciplinary probation may also be grounds to deny certain benefits or privileges reserved for students in good  conduct standing (i.e.., certain student leadership roles, study abroad opportunities, or the right to formally represent GVSU). Regular probationary meetings may also be imposed. 

8.6 Academic Penalty 

Loss of course credit or reduction in grade points, withholding of grades, transcript, and/or degree (for academic offenses). 

8.7 Loss of Privileges 

Denial of specified privileges for a definite/indefinite period. Examples may include, for example, operating an automobile on University property; participating in and/or holding an office in a University organization; representing the University in  any official capacity; access to a designated University facility or area; participating in a University function. 

8.8 University Housing Probation 

An official notice that, should further violations occur during a specified probationary period, the student may immediately be removed from University housing facility. Regular probationary meetings may also  be imposed. 

8.9 University Housing Reassignment 

Reassignment to another University housing unit or facility. 

8.10 University Housing Suspension 

Revocation of a student’s privilege to live in and/or visit any University housing facility is revoked for a definite/indefinite period. This restorative measure may be enforced with a trespass action if  deemed necessary. 

8.11 Evaluation/Assessment Referral 

Requirement to complete an independent evaluation/assessment supporting the student’s eligibility to remain/return as a student, with which the Director of OSCCR (or designee) concurs. 

8.12 Denial of Honor or Benefit 

Denial of a University honor, scholarship, or degree or revocation of an honor, scholarship or degree previously awarded, in an appropriate situation. 

8.13 Suspension 

Suspension from the University for a specified minimum period, after which the student may be eligible to return. Eligibility may be contingent upon satisfaction of specific conditions noted at the time of suspension. For the duration of the  suspension, the student shall forfeit all rights of their student status and may also forfeit their privileges of access to property owned or controlled by the University or engaging in University sponsored activities or programs. This restorative measure may be enforced with a trespass action if deemed necessary. 

8.14 Dismissal 

Permanent expulsion from the University. The student is banned from property owned or controlled by the University and is prohibited from University sponsored activities or programs. This restorative measure  may be enforced with a trespass action if deemed necessary. 

8.15 Trespass 

An order prohibiting a student from entering upon any property owned or controlled by the University or engaging in University sponsored activities or programs. 

8.16 Other Measures 

Additional or alternate restorative measures may be created and designed as the University deems appropriate. 

8.17 UAO Specific Measures 

For violations involving UAOs the following restorative measures may, for example, also be imposed in addition to one or more of the restorative measures listed above: deactivation, de-recognition, and/or  loss of all privileges (including loss of status as a Registered Student Organization, if applicable), for a specified period. 


Section 6.0 - Conduct Process and Resolution Procedures outlines the procedures related to this policy.

For a summarized, visual overview of the University conduct process, please click here.