Key Note Speakers

Dr. Kristian O'Connor


Dr. O'Connor's currently holds the position of Associate Professor in the Department of Kinesiology at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.  His primary research focus is on the biomechanics of musculoskeletal injury.  Current research has focused on the mechanisms of knee injuries that occur during sports, with a particular on the effects of fatigue on increased injury risk. The effects of fatigue may be central to understanding overuse running injuries, such as anterior knee pain and traumatic injuries, such as anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears.  Dr. O'Connor has also been actively involved in developing a new 3-D motion capture technology using a single camera.  This will allow for a portable system for testing in a clinical setting that avoids the need to bring populations to specially-equipped labs.  He is currently funded by the NIH to develop this technology for clinical use.

Dr. Tamara Reid Bush


Dr. Tamara Reid Bush currently holds the position of Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Michigan State University.  She has conducted research with several industries including Steelcase, Johnson Controls, Abbott Labs, Sage Medical and the Michigan District Attorney's Office.  Broadly, Dr. Bush's area of research is whole-body biomechanics.  She conducts in-vivo experimentation, methods development, and modeling to better understand clinically motivated problems connected with human movement and force generation.  More specifically, she has research in the areas of seating mechanics, hand function, prosthetics and soft tissue injury.  She was selected for the US Bone and Joint Decade Young Investigator Program and to the National Academy of Engineers Frontiers in Engineering Education Program.  Dr. Bush is the recipient of the Michigan Campus Compact Award for her work on rehabilitation tricycle for children as well as the Withrow Teaching Award.

Program at a Glance

Thursday Feb 23, 2017

8:00-8:45 am             Registration

8:45-8:50 am             Welcome!

8:50-9:50 am             Keynote Speaker – Tamara Reid Bush, PhD    Eberhard Rm 215 CDEF

10:00-12:15 pm         Podium Sessions                                             Eberhard Rm 215 AB & GH

      10:00-11:00         Tissue Mechanics (Rm AB)                              Ergonomics & Assisted Devices (Rm GH)

11:00-11:15 am          Break

      11:15-12:15         Tissue Mechanics (Rm AB)                             Balance & Motor Control (Rm GH)

12:15-1:00 p.m.           Lunch provided                                                Eberhard East Lobby

     12:30-12:45         Tekscan Product Presentation                         

1:00-2:30 p.m.             Poster Session                                                 Eberhard East Lobby   

2:30-3:30 p.m.              CHS Lab Tour      (5 min bus ride required)                   


Friday Feb 24, 2017

8:00-8:45 am              Registration

8:50-9:50 am              Keynote Speaker – Kristian O'Connor, PhD            Eberhard Rm 215 CDEF

10:00-12:15 pm          Podium Sessions                                                     Eberhard Rm 215 AB & GH

   10:00-11:00             Sport Biomechanics (Rm AB)                                  Balance & Motor Control (Rm GH)

11:00-11:15 am          Break

   11:15-12:15             Gait (Rm AB)                                                               

12:15-12:30 p.m.         Presentation Awards



Page last modified January 26, 2017