Step 1: Self Exploration

Explore Assessment Tools & Expand Career Awareness:

Focus 2

Career Exploration & Job Analysis
Occupational Outlook Handbook

Arrow directional sign

Take US 102 - Career Education Course:  1 Credit
This course is designed for students seeking assistance in developing a career and educational plan suited to their individual needs, goals, and career choices. Emphasis and activities will be placed on personal and career assessments, career and occupational information, planning, and decision making. 

Define Strengths and Weaknesses:
By identifying your strengths and weaknesses selecting a major based on those things can prevent a lot of future frustrations. Based on your high school and GVSU courses along with your ACT/SAT sub-scores, rate the following academic areas.  Use a 5 for those where you feel the strongest and a 1 for those where you feel the least confident.
___Science-related courses: Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Physics, etc.
___Analytical courses: Math, Statistics, Computer Science, etc.
___Arts: Art, Music, Theatre, etc.
___Humanities: Philosophy, History, etc.
___Social Sciences: Economics, Psychology, Political Science, etc.
___English/Literature: Communications, Journalism, Classics, etc.
___Writing, Foreign Languages, etc.

Attend Majors Fair:
Majors Fair Information

Campus Involvement:
Student Organizations
Service Opportunities

Meet with Academic Advisor:
Call (616) 331-8585 to make an appointment with an Exploratory Study advisor at C-1-140 Mackinac Hall.

Page last modified September 24, 2019