2020 Summer Research Cohort

Gabriel Alvarado

Gabriel Alvarado

Child Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence
Faculty Mentor: Jina Lee, Criminal Justice

Amber Anderson

Amber Anderson

Title: TBD
Faculty Mentor: Jennifer Stewart, Sociology

Gabrielle Angel

Gabrielle Angel

The Monstrous Queer
Faculty Mentor: Jae Basiliere, Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Jessica Avalos

Jessica Avalos

The effects of hemlock woolly adelgid and imidacloprid on the abundance and diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi of eastern hemlock
Faculty Mentor: Alexandra Locher, Biology

Helen Bahlbi

Helen Bahlbi

Computational Modeling of Diphenylureas
Faculty Mentor: Matthew Hart, Chemistry

Taylor Bowie

Taylor Bowie

Sexual violence prevention through sex education in the K-12 settings
Faculty Mentor: Emily Nichols, Social Work

Gabriella Davis

Gabriella Davis

Ecuador is Black: Afro-Ecuadorian Literary Resistance in Drums Under My Skin
Faculty Mentor: Regis Fox, English

Kristie Winslow

Kristie DeVlieger

Fairy Tale as a Genre
Faculty Mentor: Corinna McLeod, Writing

Antonia Gordon

Antonia Gordon

The True Cost of Education & Why Money Matters
Faculty Mentor: Davia Downey, Public, Nonprofit, & Health Administration

Deonquanic Hayes

Deonquanic Hayes

Effects of anticipated versus retrospective regret on eating behavior in real time
Faculty Mentor: Amanda Dillard, Psychology

Sisi Hon

Sisi Hon

Identification of histaminergic neurons in Drosophila embryos and the effects of increased excitability on histaminergic neurons in the early larval brain
Faculty Mentor: Martin Burg, Biomedical Sciences

Alyssa Langlois

Alyssa Langlois

Title: Perceptions of Manhood: Exploring the Relationship between Cisgender, Heterosexual Men and the Norms of Masculinity
Faculty Mentors: Rachel Campbell and Laurel Westbrook, Sociology

Nicholas Layman

Nicholas Layman

Guessing Two Numbers With One Lie
David Clark, Mathematics

Noemy Parra-Cano

Noemy Parra-Cano

Mental Health and Familial Orientations
Faculty Mentor: Jennifer Stewart, Sociology

Hannah Pierson

Hannah Pierson

The Link Between Nativity and Racial Infant Mortality Disparities
Faculty Mentor: Anna Hammersmith, Sociology

Lizzy Sielaff

Lizzy Sielaff

The Role of Heme Homeostasis in the Pathogenesis of S. aureus
Faculty Mentor: Kathryn Haley, Biomedical Sciences

Isabel Soberal

Christian Miller

Does Grand Rapids Take Sustainability Seriously? Connecting Municipal Policy Outcomes to a Conceptual Framework
Faculty Mentor: Chad Frederick, Geography and Sustainable Planning

Page last modified July 13, 2022