WEATHER ALERT: GVSU will move to REMOTE STATUS for Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Classes shift to remote.
Presentations in 2002
Ed Aboufadel and Steve Schlicker. Report on a REU Project on Wavelets. The Annual Joint Meetings of the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America.
Ed Aboufadel and Steve Schlicker. Co-organizers of the Special Session on Wavelets for Undergraduates. The Annual Joint Meetings of the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America.
Char Beckmann, R. Rubenstein, and D. Thompson. Integrating Content and Methods in a Constructivist Course for Middle Grades Mathematics. The Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Conference.
Esther Billings, Jan Shroyer, Tom Bassarear (Keene State College), and Pam Wells. Using Cases to Enhance Elementary School Pre-Service Teachers’ Content and Pedagogical Knowledge. The Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Conference.
Will Dickinson. Enhancing Geometry. A Project NExT Special Session at the Annual Joint Meetings of the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America.
Jon Hodge. Separable Preferences and The Symmetric Group. The Annual Joint Meetings of the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America.
Reva Kasman. Norms and the Bieri-Neumann-Strebel Invariant. Association for Women in Mathematics Poster Session at the Annual Joint Meetings of the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America.
Char Beckmann. Figuring Fitness: Healthy Math for Middle Schoolers. Mathematics in Action, Grand Valley State University.
Esther Billings and Pam Wells. Activities that Help Students Explore the Concept of Prime Numbers. Mathematics in Action, Grand Valley State University.
David Coffey. Mapping a Leaf. Mathematics in Action, Grand Valley State University.
Will Dickinson and Randy Prium (Calvin College). Who Wants to be a Math Millionaire. The Annual Michigan Undergraduate Mathematics Conference.
Jon Hodge. Separability and Symmetry and Algebra, Oh My! For Pi Mu Epsilon at Western Michigan University.
Steve Schlicker, Jody Sorensen, and Clark Wells. REU at GVSU. Calvin College.
Pam Wells and Paula Riordan. Solving Problems, Seeing Patterns, Making Sense of Mathematics: Mathematical Concept Boards in Action. Mathematics in Action, Grand Valley State University.
Char Beckmann. Proportional Reasoning through Literature. The Annual Meeting of the National Conference of Teachers of Mathematics.
Jon Hodge. A Quick Introduction to Separable Preference Orders. The Graduate Research and Teaching Awards, Western Michigan University.
Jon Hodge. Separability and Symmetry and Algebra, Oh My! Hope College.
Rebecca Walker. Moving from Standard-Based Mathematics to College Mathematics. The Annual Meeting of the National Conference of Teachers of Mathematics.
Rebecca Walker. A Closer Look at the Mathematics in the CPMP Four-Year Curriculum. Contemporary Mathematics in Context Regional User’s Conference.
Rebecca Walker. Developing Algebraic Reasoning and Skills, Including Ways to Use the CPMP Reference and Practice Books. Contemporary Mathematics in Context Regional User’s Conference.
Char Beckmann, Phyliss Curtiss (Statistics), Will Dickinson, John Gabrosek (Statistics), and Pam Wells. Enhancing the Mathematical Core. The annual meeting of the Michigan Section of the Mathematical Association of America.
Matt Boelkins. The Near Orthogonality of PIPCIRs. The Annual meeting of the Michigan Section of the Mathematical Association of America.
Matt Boelkins. My First Foray into Undergraduate Research. Michigan Project NExT Symposium at the the Annual meeting of the Michigan Section of the Mathematical Association of America.
David Coffey and Pam Wells. Teaching with Technology. For mathematics teachers at Cedar Springs Middle School.
Clark Wells. One Bad Turn (or Rotation) Deserves Another. The Annual Meeting of the Michigan Section of the Mathematical Association of America.
Jon Hodge. Reflections on My Research Experiences. The Grand Valley State University REU.
Jon Hodge. Separable Preference Orders. Western Michigan University.
Jon Hodge. Teaching Students to Write Proofs. Panel member at the annual summer meeting of the Mathematical Association of America.
Ted Sundstrom. Exploration, Writing, and Proof in Mathematics. The Annual Summer Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America. Clark Wells. The Mathematics of Move: Using Maple and Netscape to Solve Linear Algebraic Problems in Chemistry Web Page Design. The Annual Summer Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America.
Ed Aboufadel. Geometry and the Shape of Delaware. Northport Public Schools, Northport, MI, as part of the Mathematical Association of America High School Visiting Lecturer Program.
Carl Arendsen. AP Statistics and the Central Limit Theorem. The Annual Meeting of the Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Esther Billings and Melanie Schultz (student). Mailing a Publication: An Investigation of Middle School Students’ Understanding of Step & Linear Functions. The Annual Meeting of the Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
David Coffey. Is it Really Fair? The Annual Meeting of the Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
David Coffey and Pam Wells. Modeling Reform Mathematics. For mathematics teachers at Hesperia Middle School.
Jon Hodge. Separability and Symmetry and Algebra, Oh My!. Calvin College.
Jon Hodge. A Quick Introduction to Separable Preference Orders. The Science and Mathematics Division Research Colloquium, GVSU.
Gary Klingler. Emilie du Chatelet Awakens Europe to the Scientific Method. The Regional Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Jane Mays and Mary Ellen Rivers. Designing a Dream Math Lab. The Michigan Tutorial Association Conference.
Steve Schlicker. The Geometry of the Hausdorff Metric. The Department of Mathematics and Statistics Seminar, Aquinas College.
Jody Sorensen. What I did on my Summer Vacations - Bifurcation Diagrams and Undergraduate Research. The Annual Meeting of the Indiana Section of the Mathematical Association of America.
Reva Kasman. When Groups Act on Trees. Aquinas College Mathematics Club.
Ernie Palmer. College Algebra as a Self-Esteem Booster: Rudy’s Growth Model. The American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC) Annual Conference.