
With a Management Degree, you will learn how to think critically, examine business processes to understand where value is created within organizations, create and deliver sustainable business solutions and programs, explore the value of diverse views, and act ethically as a global citizen as well as a respected business person.

The Management faculty and staff are dedicated to helping our students and our business partners grow and prosper both in and out of the classroom.

To lead others in a world of constant change and intense competition, you need a management major. It provides the balance of technical and interpersonal skills required of an effective manager.

Degree Requirements  4 Year Plan 

Business, nonprofit, government, and union organizations all need specialists who are trained to respond to employee concerns, administer labor and employment laws, and design policies dealing with diversity and equal opportunity, recruiting and selection, training, performance appraisal, compensation, benefits, discipline, and labor negotiations.

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Degree Requirements  4 Year Plan

Specialized skills in the area of Enterprise Resource Planning equip students with a strong technical background, but emphasizes the business knowledge and analytical skills necessary in today's business environment.

Degree Requirements  4 Year Plan

Operations management involves the application of managerial, analytical, and technical skills to effective problem solving pertaining to transformation of resources across the entire supply chain.

Degree Requirements  4 Year Plan

The field of supply chain management (SCM) involves the acquisition of components and finished goods from original sources, production scheduling and manufacturing, and the logistics functions necessary to flow components inbound to manufacturing and finished goods outbound to wholesalers, retailers, and/or directly to end users.

Degree Requirements  4 Year Plan

Page last modified August 4, 2023