University Libraries Faculty Governance

The University Libraries Faculty Assembly (ULFA) is the chief faculty organization of the University Libraries. It's purpose is to: 

  • Assist in carrying out the University Libraries' mission
  • Support faculty development and mentoring
  • Receive and review reports from faculty committees and from the Dean
  • Be a forum for information, discussion, and when necessary, formal resolutions to the Dean
  • Represent faculty interests and concerns to the Dean
  • Advise the Dean.

University Libraries' Faculty Governance Documents

University Libraries Faculty Assembly (ULFA)

The University Libraries Faculty Assembly serves as the chief faculty organization of the University Libraries.

Chair, Matt Ruen (2023-2025)
Vice Chair, Annie Benefiel (2023-2025)

University Libraries Faculty Assembly Executive Committee

Convened at the discretion of ULFA Chair.  Serves as the clearinghouse for matters to be presented to the Faculty Assembly and advises the Chair.

Chair, Matt Ruen (2023-2025)

Standing Committees

University Libraries Faculty Development & Support Committee

Advises on and supports activities relating to mentoring, professional development, and scholarly activity assistance.

Chair, Leigh Rupinski (2024-2025)

University Libraries Personnel Committee (LPC)

Personnel Committee to recommend action concerning regular faculty appointment renewals, promotion, tenure, and periodic performance reviews within the University Libraries (see GVSU Policies, BOT 4.2.1, BOT 4. Chap. 4, Sect. 2.10.1, Sect. 2.10.2, and Sect. 2.10.8).

Members: Annie Benefiel ( UL), Patrick Roth (UL), Benjamin Walsh (SCB), Janice Pawloski (PCEC/Engineering), Jeremy Robinson (CLAS), Annie Bélanger (ex-officio, University Libraries Dean)

University Libraries Personnel Process Committee (ULPPC)

Responsible for the review of the University Libraries Faculty guidelines for tenure and promotion. The Committee assists the Designated Unit Head for Library Personnel Actions in drafting the agendas for unit personnel review meetings.

Members: Anna White (Designated Unit Head), Patrick Roth (Chair - LPC), Maya Hobschied, Leigh Rupinski

University Libraries Teaching Awards Committee

Manages the annual process of submitting candidates for the Faculty and Teaching Learning Center’s (FTLC’s) Pew Teaching Excellence Awards.


Page last modified September 27, 2024