
AP Spotlight: Jackie Rautio

AP Spotlight: Jackie Rautio

Jackie Rautio was the 2020 AP Awards winner for the Commitment to Students Award.  Jackie currently serves as a Senior Academic Advisor in GVSU’s CLAS Academic Advising Center.  She is also the Coordinator of the Structured Learning Assistance and Peer Assisted Study Sessions programs.  Jackie is involved in many programs at GVSU all with the goal of making sure students are successful.  Through her work, Jackie has touched many student’s lives and has made a positive impact on so many.  She has dedicated her career to helping students succeed as she has directed a very strong tutoring program, mentored many students, and has developed student success courses at GVSU.

Jackie’s nominators for the award stressed that Jackie goes “above and beyond her professional responsibilities” even coming in on the evenings and weekends to support students.  Her nominators emphasized the deep impact Jackie has made in her daily work of ensuring success for all students at GVSU.

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Page last modified March 8, 2021