Kirkhof College of Nursing - Strategic Planning Development
KCON is in the process of developing a 5 year strategic plan that aligns with the University Reach Higher 2025 strategic plan. The process included the evaluation of the prior 5 year strategic plan that ended in 2021. This work was completed in Winter of 2022. Next, there were 2 Faculty Oversight Committee (FOC) meetings dedicated to generative thinking and discerning the values and vision of KCON and the challenges that would be faced in the next 5 years. These meetings allowed all faculty and staff to work together to determine key themes of values, vision and challenges and keywords and language for the vison, mission and goals. These themes were then synthesized based on the three Reach Higher 2025 commitments of, Empowered Educational Experience, Culture of Educational Equity and Lifetime of Learning. In addition, the University key performance indicators were used. A draft of the vision and mission and goals was developed.
Faculty/Staff: You can find the documents and work being done here - Strategic Planning Committee
Academic Affairs Draft Strategic Plan | Updated: September, 2023
A sustainable and equitable world powered by inclusive education and engaged scholarship.
We empower learners, through scholarship-informed practices, experiential education, and deep community engagement to contribute to a sustainable society.
Guiding Principles
- We believe that education is an individual right and a social value to support democratic equality.
- We prioritize the success, sense of belonging, and well-being of all GVSU community members
- We honor experiences, expertise, voices, and perspectives of all
- We center our practices in equity-minded, just, and transparent approaches.
- We cultivate lifelong curiosity, creativity, and open inquiry through conversation and collaboration.
Strategic Pillars / Strategic Commitments
- Empowered Education
- Culture of Educational Equity
- A Lifetime of Learning
- Scholarship, Research & Innovation
Provost Office | Division of Academic Affairs ~ Draft Strategic Plan
Reach Higher 2025 is the GVSU strategic planning effort that was approved by the Board of Trustees and that now guides GVSU. Academic Affairs builds on the RH2025 plan to shape our Mission, Vision, Guiding Principles, and Strategic Pillars/Strategic Commitments. The Office of the Provost welcomes constructive feedback, suggestions, or general comments from our Academic Affairs community. The feedback form can be found at the bottom of the draft strategic plan for Academic Affairs.