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Submissions for Teach-In sessions accepted

October 01, 2018

(This story originally appeared on GVNext)

Session submissions are being accepted from collaborative student-faculty staff teams for the sixth annual Teach-In, set for November 7-8.

New this year, Teach-In sessions will be held over two days: all November 7 sessions will be held in the DeVos Center and all November 8 sessions will be held in the Kirkhof Center. 

With the theme of "Power, Privilege and Difficult Dialogues," sessions are participatory and action-oriented. John Bender, chair of the equity and inclusion committee for University Academic Senate, said past topics have centered on, for example, awareness of campus rape culture, ableism, impact of expanded Title IX, and campus power systems.

The deadline to submit session applications is October 5. Teams will be notified by October 15.

Teach-In is sponsored by Student Senate and the UAS Equity and Inclusion Committee, with support from the divisions of Inclusion and Equity and Student Services. More information is online,

For More Information Contact: Michele Coffill in University Communications - (616) 331-2221

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Page last modified October 1, 2018