Colloquium Events with Dr. Amanda Tachine

GVSU I&E Colloquium on Supporting Native and Indigenous Staff, Faculty, Students and Communities

Colloquium Events with Dr. Amanda Tachine 


Native American Affinity Space

MONDAY, MARCH 18, 2024 | 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Audience:  Affinity space for faculty, staff, students, and special guests who identify as Native American

North C Living Center, Room 137 NCLC, Allendale Campus

Light refreshments provided.

This session is designed for GVSU faculty and staff who identify as Native American.  The intent is to connect with Dr. Tachine and colleagues in an informal space to discuss AI+ initiatives, building relationships between institutions of higher education and tribal communities, and supporting future Native leaders. 

Community Dinner

MONDAY, MARCH 18, 2024 | 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Audience: Invited GVSU faculty, staff, administrators, students and community who identify as Native American as well as special guests.

Alumni House and Visitor Center, 11150 N Campus Dr., Allendale, MI 49401

Dinner served

Please join us for dinner with Dr. Tachine to foster community and discuss the day's events in a relaxed, welcoming setting. 


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Page last modified March 14, 2024