REP4, Steelcase collaborate on better futures

Mantella appears in national webcast to talk equity in education, REP4

Dec 1, 2022

Summer program is bridge to success for Oliver Wilson Scholars

Nearly 100 first-year students who participate in the Oliver Wilson Scholars program are off to a solid academic year after spending six weeks on campus in the summer, taking classes and learning to navigate university resources.

Oct 17, 2022

REP4 National Convening showcases student ideas for education equity

Watch and vote for best learner-devised ideas in higher ed

Sep 22, 2022

REP4 National Convening to showcase student-led higher ed innovations

Event will showcase student ideas, allow upvoting to help determine future programming.

Sep 14, 2022

Connecticut State Colleges & Universities system joins REP4 Alliance

CSCU is the first statewide system to join the REP4 Alliance

Sep 13, 2022

U.S. Education official tours GVSU, visits with students

Department of Education Under Secretary James Kvaal visited with President Philomena V. Mantella, members of the Senior Leadership Team and students on his tour of Grand Valley and the DeVos Center of Interprofessional Health.

Aug 30, 2022

REP4 summit empowers students to chart the future of higher ed

Regional summit draws 250+ students from around the Midwest

Jul 22, 2022

Key educational foundations invest in REP4 and the future of education

New gifts from 3 foundations total $1.5 million to enable current learning summits, long-term operations and growth across higher education.

Jul 11, 2022

GVSU and REP4 Alliance featured

The piece appeared in Bridge Michigan.

Jun 30, 2022

Mantella, other leaders tackle systemic issues at Black Boys and Men Symposium

K-12 and higher education leaders addressed the challenges of the systems that impact Black men and boys and the need to create conditions for their success at a symposium sponsored by the Division of Enrollment Development and Educational Outreach.

Jun 10, 2022