Faculty and staff members who have given virtual presentations or had their research published are detailed below. The campus community can self-submit a sketch online for future publication.
Faculty and staff sketches

In the News
Portfolio Management Courses offered by finance professors Yatin Bhagwat and Thuy Simpson are allowing student analysts, who are seniors, to conduct fundamental analysis of stock ideas and make investment decisions as they manage real money. Funds have been provided by alumni donors members of the West Michigan community, with a matching contribution from the university.
Alumni Relations earned two Pride of CASE V awards for creating the GVSU Alumni Business Owners Directory (bronze for "Engagement on a Shoestring") and New Graduate Celebration (silver for "Alumni Relations Pivot"). The Career Center, Office of Student Life, Registrar’s Office and Institutional Marketing partnered with the Alumni Relations office on these projects.
The Meadows was ranked in the top 10 of national college public golf courses by Golfer's Choice. At No. 7, the course climbed 10 spots from its previous ranking of No. 17. Golfer's Choice uses a system of reviews and course ratings. The Meadows also climbed from No. 25 to No. 18 among the top 25 public courses in Michigan.
Marie VanderKooi, assistant professor of nursing, was selected by graduate students for the Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award for Fall 2020.
KCON faculty members Amy Manderscheid and Nancy Carlson and KCON Office of Student Services staff members Mike Stoll, Mackenzie Prins and Denise Gross were recognized by the Provost's Office for their exceptional efforts with student success and retention.
Biology faculty members Michael P. Lombardo and Patrick A. Thorpe and Sango Otieno, director of the Statistical Consulting Center, were authors of an article, "Factors Associated with the Mass of Eggs Laid by Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) Varied Yearly Between 2008-2016 in Michigan," published in the Journal of Avian Biology.
Patricia Bloem, professor of English, was appointed to serve on the Outstanding International Books Committee of the U.S. Board of Books for Young People. The committee is charged with choosing the most outstanding international books that are published during a calendar year. She will serve a three- year term.
Adrienne Wallace, assistant professor of advertising and public relations, was a co-author of a book, Social Media and Society: An Introduction to the Mass Media Landscape, published by Rowman & Littlefield. Wallace also contributed to articles published in the Journalism & Mass Communication Educator and Journal of Public Relations Education, and wrote chapters published in "Social Media Influencers and the Changing Landscape of Brand Communication," and "Democracy in the Disinformation Age: Influence and Activism in American Politics."
Dan Graser, associate professor of music, wrote a book, Chops: 221 Full Range Fundamentals and Technical Exercises for the 21st Century Saxophonist, published by Conway Publications.
Thomas Pentacost, associate professor of chemistry, was a co-author of an article, "Clarity on Cronbach's Alpha Use," published in the Journal of Chemical Education.
Jeff Kelly Lowenstein, assistant professor of multimedia journalism, worked with undergraduate students and USA Today's national investigative team on a reverse mortgage investigation that received a National Association of Black Journalists award in the Newspaper Investigative Category.
Vinicius Lima, associate professor of visual and media arts, and Gayle Schaub, liaison librarian, were co-authors of a chapter, "Speaking Librarian: A Graphic Design and Library Collaboration to Teach Library Terminology," in a book, Engaging Students through Campus Libraries. Schaub and Hazel McClure were co-editors of the book.
Joel Stillerman, professor of sociology, was named incoming associate editor for Sociology of the Latin American Research Review.
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