Faculty and staff sketches

In the News
Paul Isely, associate dean and professor of economics, was interviewed by The Wall Street Journal for a story about wage gains at factories falling behind growth at fast-food restaurants.
Gregg Dimkoff, professor of finance, was interviewed by MoneyGeek for a story about auto insurance rates and savings.
At the 2021 WMPRSA PRoof Awards, the West Michigan Public Relations Society of America recognized Grand Valley’s Public Relations Student Society of America with the ceremony’s highest honor, Best in Show. Grand Valley’s PRSSA chapter won seven awards in total and recent GVSU graduate Morgan Layne was recognized as Student of the Year.
Michael Shoemaker, associate professor of physical therapy, received the 2021 Lucy Blair Service Award from the American Physical Therapy Association. The award honors members of the association whose contributions have been of exceptional value to the association.
Lowell Wellness Camp, run by GVSU’s Department of Public Health, received a 2021 Hometown Health Hero Award from Michigan Department of Health and Human Services for contributions to protecting and improving the health of Michigan. The after-school program, which focuses on health education for children in third-fifth grades, expanded in 2021 to include children in sixth-eighth grades.
Faculty and staff members who have given virtual presentations or had their research published are detailed below. The campus community can self-submit a sketch online for future publication.
Charlyn Partridge, assistant professor of water resources, gave a virtual presentation, "Petite and Perilous: Combining Herbarium and Genetic Data to Explore the Successful Invasion of Baby’s Breath (Gysophila paniculata) across North America," for Wilfrid Laurier University. Partridge also received a research grant from Pierce Cedar Creek Institute in collaboration with the Gun Lake Tribe to continue a wild rice genetics project.
Al Steinman, director of Annis Water Resources Institute, gave a virtual presentation, "Emerging Water Issues that Face Our Planet," for the Hope Academy of Senior Professionals.
Eric Kunnen, senior director for IT Innovation and Research, wrote an article, "Pioneering the Future Through Technology Innovation," published in CIO Review.
Scott Stabler, professor of history, was a co-author of a chapter, "Slave to Soldier: United States Colored Troops in the West During the Civil War," published in Critical Race Studies Across Disciplines: Resisting Racism through Scholactivism. Stabler was a co-author of an article, "The Odd Couple: William T. Sherman, O.O. Howard, Loyalty, Soldier, and the Freedpeople," published in the Journal of America's Military Past.
Brett Crawford, assistant professor of management, was a co-author of an article, "Mind, Body, and Soul: A Spiritual Perspective on the Entrepreneurial Imagination," published in Organizational Theory.
Joel Zwart, curator of exhibitions for the Art Gallery, gave a presentation, "The Artistic Practice: Exploring Mathias J. Alten's Medium of Choice," at the Holland Museum, which hosted Alten artwork through July 25.
Chasity Bailey-Fakhoury and Lisa Perhamus, associate professors of education, and Kin Ma, associate professor of geography and sustainable planning, were authors of an article, "Feeling Displaced, Enacting Resistance: Race, Place, and Schooling in the Face of Gentrifying Forces," published in the Urban Review Journal.
Chris Haven, associate professor of writing, wrote a book of poetry, Bone Seeker, published by NYQ Books.
Annis Water Resources Institute staff members Janet Vail and Amanda Syers gave a virtual presentation, "Human Impacts: Data Rich Lessons for Middle School," at the Michigan Science Teachers Association conference.
Kristi Cooper, senior affiliate faculty of nursing, has become a Certified Healthcare Financial Professional (CHFP).
Ross Sherman, associate professor of movement science, wrote an article, "An Ice Vest, but Not Single-Hand Cooling, Is Effective at Reducing Thermo-Physiological Strain During Exercise Recovery in the Heat," published in a journal, Frontiers in Sports and Active Living: Elite Sports and Performance Enhancement.
Tonisha Jones, associate professor of criminal justice, was a co-author of an article, "Inter-Clinician Variability in Primary Care Providers Adverse Childhood Experience Knowledge, Training, Screening Practices, and Perceived Intervention Barriers: An Exploratory Cross-Sectional Study," published in the Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma.
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