News from Grand Valley State University

Incident Management Team update: New face covering toolkit, web-based self-assessment, virtual campus tours

VisiTOUR features a virtual tour guide who will lead guests through an on-campus visit using 360-degree images, videos, audio and text, to highlight each stop on the tour.
VisiTOUR features a virtual tour guide who will lead guests through an on-campus visit using 360-degree images, videos, audio and text, to highlight each stop on the tour.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts

Grand Valley has developed additional resources to support its face covering policy. Grand Valley requires that face coverings cover the mouth and nose in indoor and outdoor spaces when you are unable to consistently maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from others, including classrooms and laboratories.

A toolkit is available that includes videos and articles about face coverings, advice to faculty, and answers to frequently asked questions. The toolkit addresses topics such as teaching with face coverings, face covering fatigue and education and compliance. 

Grand Valley has also implemented several guidelines and protocols to ensure students, employees and visitors are actively monitoring and reporting symptoms that could be signs of COVID-19 infection.

A web-based self-assessment (accessed by phone, tablet or computer) is now available for faculty, staff and students. Employees and students will be expected to complete the web-based self-assessment every day they will be on any GVSU campus, including classes, student employment, lab work or prior to participating in experiential learning in any setting. 

The first time an employee or student logs in to the self-assessment portal they will complete a profile. The assessment, which takes less than one minute to complete, includes questions regarding COVID-19 testing, exposure to someone with COVID-19, and new onset of specific symptoms consistent with COVID-19.

Grand Valley has also developed and launched a new virtual campus tour that can be accessed using a mobile device. 

 VisiTOUR features a virtual tour guide who will lead guests through an on-campus visit using 360-degree images, videos, audio and text, to highlight each stop on the tour.

The IMT is made up of representatives from various campus departments, including the Grand Valley Police Department, Office of the Vice Provost for Health, Facilities Services, Housing and Residence Life, Human Resources, Academic Affairs, Student Affairs and University Communications. An expanded group of more than 35 people meets weekly.

Members of the university's Technical Advisory Group (TAG) serve as a resource to research and advise the IMT regarding varying aspects of the current emergency facing the university. TAG ensures the IMT has up-to-date recommended health standards and information from federal, state and local authorities, as well as best practices regarding preparedness, prevention and response information.

For more information on GVSU's return to campus procedures, visit


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