News from Grand Valley State University

Incident Management Team update

Photo of IMT member.
Image credit - Valerie Wojciechowski

In preparation for the Fall 2020 semester, university leaders have been working on a plan for how students will safely return to live and learn on campus. 

For the health and safety of students and their supporters, Fall 2020 Move-in will be extended to five days to allow for social and physical distancing. Move-in tentatively begins August 24. 

Leaders are still working through whether to offer the Helping Hands initiative. More information will be posted on the Housing Move-In website as it becomes available. 

A limited number of student athletes are participating in voluntary summer work-outs on campus that are taking place in a very controlled environment. Students have participated in educational zoom meetings about health and safety protocols. More student athletes will be on campus beginning July 6 as part of a three-phase ramp-up. 

Grand Valley's six-week return-to-work process begins June 22. As faculty and staff members come back to campus, a complete list of building hours and operations is being developed. Employees should always carry their key cards. 

At this time, the Kirkhof Center will open July 6. Building hours will be Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. The 2020 desk will be staffed from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. and the Lobby Shop will be open for coffee and grab-and-go food with tentative hours from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Subway will be open July 13 with tentative hours from 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

The Mary Idema Pew Library is scheduled to open July 27. Library hours will be posted as they are available. More information can be found on the University Libraries website. The Children's Enrichment Center opened July 15.

Information about complete summer building hours

University leadership is continuing to review physical spaces across all campuses to provide the safest environments possible. Face coverings and social distancing are two of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19 and avoid transmitting it to others, according to the CDC. 

With this in mind, students, faculty and staff members are encouraged to use the stairs in buildings, if able. If you need to use an elevator, you are encouraged to wear a face covering and to limit the number of occupants. 

IMT members meet regularly to plan for any necessary actions surrounding COVID-19. The team makes recommendations to the Senior Leadership Team, using public health and CDC guidance.

The IMT is made up of representatives from various campus departments, including the Grand Valley Police Department, Public Health, Facilities Services, Housing and Residence Life, Office of the Provost, Human Resources, Academic Affairs, Student Affairs and University Communications. An expanded group of more than 35 people meets weekly.

For more information on GVSU's return to campus procedures, visit


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