Welcome to Grand Connections - An intergenerational mentoring program

Do you have life stories that you want to share with students?

Would you like to spend some social time with younger adults?

Please join the Grand Connections program!

You will be amazed by the joy, energy, and impact brought by these intergenerational interactions!

And the best part? You can decide on how much you would like to get involved!

We will find something to fit to your interests and preferences!

Please click on "Learn More" to find more about the program.

Upcoming event
SAGE first meeting - Fall 24
Clark Piano Concert
Apple Picking
Things just did

Flower Pot Painting

On April 15th, we hosted a delightful event at GVSU's Allendale Campus, bringing together students and community members to paint flower pots for nursing home residents. Tables were set with paints and brushes, and participants eagerly transformed plain terracotta pots into colorful masterpieces. 

Learn More

Fourth Story Circle

Our Intergenerational Story Circles at Schuler’s Bookstore on March 16th was a hit! With support from SAGE and Grand Connections, and coffee and pastries courtesy of AARP, attendees shared heartwarming stories and connected across generations. The event featured participants sharing personal tales prompted by their favorite photographs.

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Things done together

Story Circles

Piano Concerts

Fun Outings

SAGE Meetings

Fun things around the town

                                                                                           View more Fun things around the town

Member's Creativity on Exhibition

If you are interested, please click on the button on the left and fill out the sign up form.  We will follow up with you about the next steps of getting involved in the Grand Connections program.

We Look Forward to Seeing You

Let’s work together to create meaningful and long-lasting intergenerational relationships so older adults can offer younger adults life lessons learned through experience, and young adults can offer older adults renewed energy and a stronger desire to make the world better for generations to come.

2 hands being held

Page last modified September 10, 2024