Photo Gallery
Murray Scholarship Recipients
Established in 2006, The Mark A. & Elizabeth C. Murray
Scholarship for Study Abroad is intended to support students who wish
to study outside of the United States but without this fund would
otherwise not be able to afford to do so. In addition to the Murray
Family, the generosity of individuals, organizations and businesses
has contributed to the continuation of this scholarship, which helps
send 4 - 8 GVSU students abroad every year.
I would like to say thank you for your support of the study abroad
program at Grand Valley. As a Murray Scholar, I was able to have a
unique study abroad experience that has had a great impact on my
personal and professional journey.
As a student interested in the study of music through a cultural
lens, I utilized my study abroad to travel to Thailand and learn to
play many traditional Thai instruments. Being immersed in Thai culture
allowed me to gain first hand experience as to how views on music
affect the uses Thais have for music and how it is performed.
Along with strong academic growth, I also experience personal growth
through my study abroad journey. I gained a level of independence and
confidence through learning in a foreign environment and interacting
on a daily basis with people who come from a different background than
I do. My study abroad experience further drove my interest in cultural
studies and the music of Southeast Asia.
Since returning from my study abroad, I have graduated from GVSU and
am now continuing my passion for cultural studies by pursuing a
master’s degree in ethnomusicology at the University of Hawaii. I am
enjoying exploration and understanding. My study abroad experience,
which was made possible through the Murray Scholarship, was
instrumental in bringing me to this place in my academic career. Thank
you so much for your continued support of study abroad.
Megan DeKievit
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