A townhall was held on September 12 to detail the roll-out of Workday.
Photo Credit: Kendra Stanley-Mills
It’s hard to believe that after years of planning and work, we are
live with Workday at GVSU. This is one of the most complex projects
the university has undertaken, investing in our future by replacing
our human resources and finance systems with a modern, integrated
system in the cloud.
Our gratitude goes out to the
Workday Project Team and all our university partners, including
Business and Finance, Human Resources, Information Technology, Change
Agents, Super Users, and subject matter experts from across campus.
It would not have been possible to achieve this incredible
accomplishment without the contributions of our colleagues who stepped
up and devoted countless hours. Despite maintaining day-to-day duties
in their departments, many added project leadership responsibilities
to their daily schedules.
The behind-the-scenes work has been a heavy lift for many. This is a
testament to the talented, dedicated, and hard-working staff who keep
this institution moving forward every day.
During this time, we must all remember to have patience with each
other as staff identifies and corrects any problems with the
transition. We are going through a considerable change, and we’re
learning together. Consider how we can best support our colleagues and
meet our missions of excellence and innovation, making GVSU not just a
place for learning, but also an ideal environment for working and serving.
Thank you, Greg Sanial Vice President for Finance and Administration