Pew FTLC - Design Thinking Faculty Learning Community


Design thinking is a creative, collaborative process of interdisciplinary and integrative problem solving.  These Faculty Learning Communities bring faculty together to expand understanding of and experience with design thinking as well as explore ideas for its application in the classroom.

Silver Level Criteria

To earn a silver badge, participate fully in a semester-long Faculty Learning Community and submit a Faculty Learning Community Participation Grant Final Report via the online grant system within 30 days of the final meeting.

Gold Level Criteria

To earn a gold badge, complete the silver badge and then provide evidence of continued implementation or dissemination related to the FLC, either through a development of a new course, invited campus presentation, conference presentation or publication. No deadline.


Kathryn Stieler

Design Thinking FLC Badge Image

Issued in 2017, 2018, & 2019

Claim this Badge

Page last modified April 23, 2019