Science on Tap: Let's explain nucleosynthesis: A voyage from tiny nuclei to massive stars and beyond

Thursday, March 10, 2022
8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Off Campus
Alumni, Community, Faculty, Staff, Students

Speaker: Sofia Karampagia Ph.D., Dept. of Physics, Grand Valley State University

Location: SpeakEZ Lounge | 600 Monroe Ave. NW Grand Rapids 49503

Date: Thursday, March 10

Time: 8 p.m.

Why are hydrogen and helium so abundant? Together they make up 99% of all the mass in the universe. 

Where do the rest of the elements come from? How rare is gold? 

Is there a connection between the invisible atomic nuclei and the massive stars? Come to this talk to discover the answers. 


Twitter: @ScienceOnTapGR


Location Information

SpeakEZ Lounge | 600 Monroe Ave. NW Grand Rapids 49503

Contact Information

Kathryn Haley, Ph.D.

[email protected] 


alumni science

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