Entrepreneur in Residence
Entrepreneur in Residence (EIR), a position held by an experienced entrepreneur and a leader who is willing and able to mold young students into thriving, motivated business owners. Today college graduates leave their respective universities and enter a world of 16.7% unemployment, roughly 8% higher than the national average. Self-starters are needed more today than ever before.
The Richard M. and Helen DeVos Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation (CEI) at Grand Valley State University views the position of Entrepreneur in Residence as a pivotal educational tool for their students.
A part of GVSU’s Seidman College of Business, CEI focuses on supporting entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs in Residence will aid the center as it reviews business plans and coaches entrepreneurs, as well as help build its programming. With the help of residents the CEI can turn the the center into the primary location where entrepreneurs can find answers and receive direction and guidance at the university level.
Past Entrepreneurs in Residence
Julian Turley
Co-Founder of Nomsy
Currently studying at the University of Pennsylvania
Matt Gira
Founder of FounderCo
Co-Founder of Fathom
Matt Larson
Co-Founder and COO
Spencer Covey
Design Consultant
Mercy Health/Trinity Health
Roger Jansen, PhD
Senior Vice President & Chief Human Resource Officer
Spectrum Health
Ryan Vaughn
Varsity News Network