Registration Information

We encourage you to read all of the following information before filling out and submitting the Registration Form.  

Online registration will be open through April 30, 2015. 


Registration Fee (through 4/30)

After 4/30: On site Registration







Student Member**



Student Non-member**



* Registration fees will be waived for conference participants who have satisfied all of the following: 1) applied for NSF Travel Fund , 2) were approved, and 3) met the pre-registration deadline (of April 12, 2015).  See Travel Fund Plan for details.  Note the SIAM-GLS 2015 Travel Fund program is contingent upon receiving NSF funding support.

** Student registrants must show a current student I.D. upon checking in at the SIAM-GLS registration desk on May 2, 2015 regardless of when they register for the conference.

Student registration is available for undergraduate and graduate students ONLY.  The student rate is not available to post-doctorates or other early-career professionals.

Membership:  All non-member registrants will automatically be enrolled as members of SIAM-GLS after the conference. Benefits include registration discounts at its conferences and the fellowship of being associated with one of the first and most active sections of SIAM with unique charter to promote partnerships between academia and industry while bringing current practices and cutting-edge researches to the region it serves. 


Cancellation Policy

All refund requests must be received in writing by email, fax or regular mail.

Cancellation on or before March 22, 2015  ……………… Full refund

March 22, 2015 – April 5, 2015 …………………………50% Cancellation Fee

After April 5, 2015………………………………………..No Refund

Credit Cards

SIAM-GLS 2015 accepts VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. Please indicate credit card type, account number, and the expiration date on the Registration Form via the link below. It is a secure, safe process managed by the Finance and Business Administration of GVSU.

Register Now and Save!

Registration is available online only via the link below through April 30.  Please do not submit paper registration as it will not be accepted. After April 30, registration will be processed on site at the Registration Desk in Hager-Lubbers Exhibition Hall at the fees shown in the table above.  



Register for the SIAM-GLS 2015 Conference 

Page last modified August 17, 2019