Efficacy in Meeting Program Goals

The PAS program demonstrates efficacy in meeting its goals by tracking student performance in competency assessments and triangulating data from other sources, including student performance on standardized assessments, student self-assessment of their competency in the program-defined competency domains, alumni feedback, faculty feedback, and supervised clinical practice experience preceptor feedback. When 100% of program-defined competency assessments related to a goal are met and the majority (>50%) of data triangulation sources show efficacy in meeting the goal, the program is determined to meet its goal.

Goal #1: Medical Knowledge and Competence in Patient Care

To provide physician assistant students with the knowledge and clinical skills to deliver effective and equitable healthcare.


The program was effective in meeting the first program goal, as the program benchmark was met for all program competency assessments related to the first goal and the majority of data triangulation sources met or exceeded the program benchmarks. 

Goal #2: Professionalism

To inspire students to model the professional values and ethical behaviors expected of physician assistants.


The program was effective in meeting the second program goal, as the program benchmark was met for all program competency assessments related to the second goal and the majority of data triangulation sources met or exceeded the program benchmarks. 

Goal #3: Collaborative Practice

To develop the interpersonal skills necessary for physician assistant students to communicate with patients and work effectively in interprofessional health care teams.


The program was effective in meeting the third program goal, as the program benchmark was met for all program competency assessments related to the third goal and the majority of data triangulation sources met or exceeded the program benchmarks. 

Goal #4: Lifelong Learning

To develop the skills necessary for physician assistant students to appraise and assimilate medical literature applicable for clinical practice and to continuously improve patient care based on constant self-evaluation and lifelong learning.


The program was effective in meeting the fourth program goal, as the program benchmark was met for all program competency assessments related to the fourth goal and the majority of data triangulation sources met or exceeded the program benchmarks. 

Page last modified December 5, 2023