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The 22nd Annual Fall Conference on Teaching and Learning: Engaging Difference

The 22nd Annual Fall Conference on Teaching and Learning: Engaging Difference

Date and Time

Wednesday, August 24, 2016 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM


The conference theme is  Engaging Difference . Guiding questions that we will address together include: What does it look like to engage difference? In and out of the classroom? With students, staff, each other, and members of the community? How exactly do we engage and where/when can we practice? This conference will be a departure from the previous conferences in that this theme and our work extends beyond the classroom. The conference is being planned in collaboration with members of the University Academic Senate and the Division of Inclusion and Equity.

We are delighted to be joined by Dr. Laura I. Rendón, who will facilitate a morning workshop, Leveraging Student Strengths. In the afternoon breakout sessions, or Discussion Laboratories, you will have the opportunity for a deep dive into a topic of interest related to our theme.



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Page last modified August 19, 2016