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History of Privilege in the US - Jesse M. Bernal, Ph.D., Vice President, Division of Inclusion and Equity

Date and Time

Friday, January 19, 2018 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM


History of Inequality in the United States: evidence and teaching tools

The purpose of this course is to expand faculty knowledge regarding structural inequalities in the United States related to a number of topics.

Access a video presentation or podcast weekly, and participate in a group discussion either online or in person, or both.

Faculty who enroll and participate in this short course series will:

  • Increase understanding regarding the history of structural inequality in the U.S.
  • Gain tools for teaching about inequality related to topics in the course.
  • Identify interdisciplinary connections related to both their course content and disciplinary expertise.
  • Gain skills in inclusive teaching practices.

For each topic, the presenter will share:

  • Facts related to the U.S. history of structural inequity: laws, policies, and cultural enforcers.
  • Evidence of social progress and structural changes legally and politically, including cultural allies.
  • Contemporary conditions and examples.

When in school did you ever learn about:

  • white privilege?
  • redlining?
  • Stonewall?
  • Internment camps?
  • 1%?

Full short course details here: https://www.gvsu.edu/ftlc/short-course-for-faculty-history-of-inequality-in-227.htm.


For more information, please visit: http://www.gvsu.edu/ftlc


To enroll in the course and have access to the online materials, email [email protected].  Additionally please register in Sprout for the live discussion sessions.
Dana Munk, [email protected]
Patty Bolea, [email protected]

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Page last modified February 2, 2018