Course Design Frameworks


Backwards Design Resources

  • A guide to Understanding by Design (Backwards Design) from Vanderbilt University's Center for Teaching 

Designing Courses for Significant Learning.

  • 37-page self-directed guide that provides an excellent overview of his approach to course design. 

On the Cutting Edge Course Design Tutorial.

  • While this entire site was designed for geological sciences, most of the contents are applicable to any discipline.

Transparent Alignment and Integrated Course Design. 

  • A concrete example of integrated course design, part of the Essays on Teaching Excellence Series. 

Six Innovative Course Redesign Practices.

  • From the National Center for Academic Transformation.

Course Workload Estimator.

  • An interactive tool that is incredibly helpful in planning the workload associated with assignments in a course.  


Image of a website



Page last modified July 15, 2024