Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I join Beta?
You will be recognized nationally as a top accounting student; firms look for Beta Alpha Psi on resumes. You'll meet firm representatives, get to know them and let them get to know you before an internship or graduation. You become well acquainted with fellow accounting students and keep on top of the changing topics concerning accounting professionals. We also have a lot of fun.

What do you do at Beta meetings?
The majority of the meeting is devoted to a guest speaker, who usually presents his/her topic for 30-45 minutes; remaining time is used for any questions or a discussion and to relay reminders and important dates and information to Beta members. Following the meeting, a more informal gathering normally takes place, with a bite to eat. You'll have the opportunity to attend the regional meeting and the national meetings. Beta participates in VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance), fundraisers and other community service activities. Beta also holds socials and numerous social events where we go out as a group, relax, and have fun.

How much time does it take out of my week?
A member should expect to devote about an hour every other week to Beta.

When does Beta meet?
Meetings are usually held at 6:00 PM on Tuesdays. However, the dates and times of these meetings may vary due to special events. Please refer to our current schedule for updated meeting information.

Is it worth it?
Yes! Membership in Beta Alpha Psi provides various benefits. First, it provides further knowledge of accounting, finance, and information systems careers that isn't provided in class. It provides opportunities to meet with individuals who have experience in various areas of accounting, finance, and information systems. Membership in Beta Alpha Psi also aids individuals in standing out during job searches and interviews. If you would like to learn more about the opportunities and benefits of Beta Alpha Psi membership you may e-mail a member of the e-board.

What if I don't meet all the requirements, but am interested in joining?
Continue to pursue an interest in Beta, but be a casual participant. We realize there are students who are not yet juniors, are not able to attain the minimum GPA, or are not accounting majors who want to be associated with Beta Alpha Psi. We welcome you to any events that catch your interest.

What if I meet all the requirements, am interested in joining, but don't have enough time to meet every week?
If you are interested in occasional Beta Alpha Psi events but are unable to attend regularly, we welcome you to any events that catch your interest.

Can I pledge even if I don't meet the requirements by the end of the semester?
You can pledge for multiple semesters until you meet the membership requirements.  

How or when do I actually become a member of Beta Alpha Psi?
After meeting the requirements, you will be initiated at the next induction ceremony.

What are the Beta dues and when are they due?
Candidates and new members are due $60.  Returning members are due $50.  The due date for the Fall Semester is Oct. 8th.  For any questions email [email protected].

As a pledge, am I allowed to put Beta Alpha Psi on my resume?
Yes, you can list Beta Alpha Psi on your resume, but please specify that you are currently a pledge as firms pay attention to the specific status of Beta Alpha Psi participants.

Page last modified August 7, 2024