
Critical Issues in Higher Education: Identities

Critical Issues in Higher Education: Identities

Date and Time

Tuesday, September 24, 2019 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM


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Young Professionals in Higher Education invites you to a morning of exploration and discovery, as a panel of administrators lead us in a discussion on critical, hot-button topics in today's collegiate climate. 

Knowledge about social identity is a key competency in understanding one's own role in society and in higher education, while also being foundational to our understanding of student development. The study of social identity relies on bodies of work across several disciplines: psychology, sociology, history, and anthropology, among others. Additionally, your own lived experiences have taught you about your own identities and led you to having perceptions and misconceptions about other identities. Some identities you think about frequently and others require intentional reflection, but to truly serve students and build synergy among colleagues, a young professional must commit to learning and values congruency. Our panel of young professionals across three functional areas will share how they navigate gender, race, faith, ability, sexuality, class, and more in their roles on their campuses.

Join us, Tuesday, September 24, 2019 at 8:30 a.m. at the GVSU Bicycle Factory (BIK 230/235).

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Page last modified September 10, 2019