Being Latinx at GVSU

PRESENTERS:  Jesse Bernal (Staff), John Bender (Faculty), Thalia Guerra-Flores (Staff), Jocelyn Medina (Student) and Jackelyn Palmas (Student)

Since GVSU launched the Latino Student Initiative in 2012, Latino student enrollment has increased 43% and in just the past two years, new Latinx student enrollment has increased 40%. GVSU continues to be the third-highest producer of bachelor’s degrees in the state. However, less than 4% of faculty and staff identify as Latinx and in the most recent myGVSU campus climate survey, those who identify as Latinx indicate having less positive and more negative experiences and perceptions (based on their racial/ethnic identity) than those who identify as White and compared to previous survey results. The university's work was recently recognized with the Seal of Excelencia – a national recognition given to select institutions that demonstrate intentionality in serving Latinx students. This session will highlight trends in Latinx college experiences using national leading practices and institutional climate data. Student, faculty, and staff panelists will reflect on the data and share their own experiences being Latinx at GVSU and the work of the Latinx Transformation Team.  Panel

Page last modified November 3, 2022