Grand Valley Sociology Department

The Sociology Department at GVSU is a community of critical scholars who analyze the context of social interaction and the construction of difference in society. Sociology is the study and understanding of human interaction, how society effects individuals and how individuals effect society. We offer two majors—a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree that emphasizes research and data analysis, and a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) that emphasizes foreign language skills and the humanities. We also offer a minor program that fits well with nearly any major.

Whichever major or minor program in Sociology you choose, we study the family, schools, peer groups, environment, gender, ethnicity, politics, economics, popular culture, sustainability, religion, life course, and other substantive areas. Wherever people interact and whatever they create, all the good and the bad of life and the stuff in between, that is the science of sociology.

The Sociology Department is part of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.


International Sociology Honor Society, Alpha Kappa Delta, Inducts 11 New Members Spotlight

International Sociology Honor Society, Alpha Kappa Delta, Inducts 11 New Members

An induction ceremony was held Thursday, April 18th to welcome 11 new members into the Theta of Michigan Chapter of Alpha Kappa Delta.

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Why Study Sociology at Grand Valley?

  • As a liberal arts school, Grand Valley takes interest in social issues and therefore offers a campus actively engaged in service, creating unique opportunities for sociology students.
  • The Sociology Club meets regularly throughout the academic year, engaging in fundraising; social, career, and graduate school planning activities; and providing a forum for discussing topics relevant to the discipline.
  • The Grand Valley Theta chapter of Alpha Kappa Delta, the International Sociology Honor Society, promotes excellence in scholarship in the study of sociology, research of social problems, and other social and intellectual activities that will lead to an improvement in the human condition. 


Sociological Scholarship Opportunity

The Sociology Department is very pleased to offer the Robert and Linda '89 Rynbrandt Endowed Sociology Scholarship, funded by a generous grant from the Rynbrandt family. The purpose of this scholarship is to encourage and assist sociology majors with the costs of their junior and senior year at GVSU. Please click here for detailed information. 


Sociology Major and McNair Scholar, Hannah Pierson Spotlight

Sociology Major and McNair Scholar, Hannah Pierson

Sociology Major and McNair Scholar, Hannah Pierson enters MSU's PhD Program in Sociology in Fall 2021. Her McNair research focused on infant mortality among women of differing race and educational backgrounds using Add Health data.

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Distinguished Alumni

Kayla Penokie Spotlight

Kayla Penokie

Executive Producer, Fox 17 News West Michigan

Eric Gladstone Spotlight

Eric Gladstone

Assistant Professor of Management at the University of Kentucky

David A. Martin Spotlight

David A. Martin

Professor and Sociology Program Head, Lake Michigan College

David Luke Spotlight

David Luke

Director, Intercultural Center at the University of Michigan - Flint

Melissa Guzman-Garcia Spotlight

Melissa Guzman-Garcia

Assistant Professor of Latina/Latino Studies at San Francisco State University

Rachel Borashko Spotlight

Rachel Borashko

Research Specialist, Johnson Center for Philanthropy, Grand Rapids, MI

Littisha Bates Spotlight

Littisha Bates

Associate Professor of sociology at the University of Cincinnati.

Whitney Laster Pirtle Spotlight

Whitney Laster Pirtle

Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of California - Merced

Meghan Burke Spotlight

Meghan Burke

Equity and Inclusion Advisor at WarnerMedia Professor Emeritus at Illinois Wesleyan University

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Page last modified February 9, 2024