Conscious Innovation/Clarity Among Chaos

Admiral is a student engagement platform. The purpose is to help students measure and track the activities they participate in outside of the classroom. Employers, scholarship committees, and graduate programs look for well-rounded students when selecting candidates. The Admiral program allows  you to demonstrate all of your involvement and engagement in one place.

Seidman values professional development. Over the years there has been a concerted effort to assist students in creating a sense of lifelong learning through various programs. As we find ourselves in the age of technology, we find it essential to track the extracurricular activities of our students and to help you develop professional competencies and provide networking opportunities to help you be more competitive in the job market.

These are not the only benefits to Admiral. This gamified platform and its competitive components will allow you to earn points and to win prizes including Seidman swag. As a Seidman major or minor, you are already part of the Admiral community! Check out the competencies you will earn points in and review the various badges in mentorship, student engagement and student organizations. Earn the most points for the month and become an Admiral Star!

To start, we have curated a playlist of TED Talks covering a variety of subject areas, experts, and exciting new ideas. Each video is unique in its own way, but can be applied towards the theme of Conscious Innovation. 

Seidman Main Entrance

For ADMIRAL Credit, students must complete the following

  • Watch at least 3 videos from the playlist. 
  • Summarize your takeaways by completing a reflection in the ADMIRAL app

Video Playlist

Surprising habit of originality

The Surprising Habit of Original Thinkers

Great leaders inspire action

How Great Leaders Inspire Action

Career Advice you didn't get

The Career Advice You Probably Didn't Get

Skills for an unpredictable world

The human skills we need in an unpredictable world

Why we ignore the obvious

Why we ignore obvious problems

Humans & AI Working Together

How humans and AI can work together

Happy Secret to Better work

Happy Secret to Better Work

The Danger of a Single Story

The Danger of a Single Story


Page last modified December 1, 2023