Alternative Work Schedules

  • Variable Time (Flex Time): A scheduled in which staff start and end work earlier or later than within regular office hours set by the University. Variations include staggered hours with a fixed daily schedule; core hours with a variable daily schedule and meal-period flex.
  • Compressed Workweek Schedule: A schedule that takes a full time workweek and compresses it into fewer, longer days (e.g., four 10-hour days).
  • 9 or 10 Month Contract: An arrangement in which the staff work a full time schedule during the busiest times in the office. They may be off during the summer or other periods when the office is slow.
  • Telecommuting: An arrangement in which staff work from a location other than their normal worksite (e.g., home) on a regular basis.
  • Job Sharing: A form of regular part time, where two part time staff share one full time position.
  • Part Time: An arrangement in which staff work at least 20 hours a week, but less than 30 hours, with regular, scheduled hours. May be eligible for same benefits as full time employees but on an adjusted basis.

Staff interested in such a schedule should discuss it with their supervisor and Human Resources.

Page last modified August 14, 2014