GPA Calculation

Grade Point Average (GPA) is based upon the number of credit hours you have completed and the quality points you have received. Quality points are assigned to specific grades as follows:

To calculate GPA use the following to determine the number of Quality Points you earned for each course at GVSU.

Grade Quality Pts. Per Credit Hour

Quality Pts. Per 3 Credit Hours

A 4.0, 12.0

A- 3.7, 11.1

B+ 3.3, 9.9

B 3.0, 9.0

B- 2.7, 8.1

C+ 2.3, 6.9

C 2.0, 6.0

C- 1.7, 5.1

D+ 1.3, 3.9

D 1.0, 3.0

F 0.0, 0.0

The chart provides the quality points for 3 credit hour courses in the last column for your convenience, since most courses are worth 3 credit hours.

If you would like to figure out what your GPA in your psychology major/minor would be depending on what grades you could get in a course, or to determine what grade you need in a particular course to get a specific GPA, the following form can be helpful.

Page last modified November 22, 2022